
Pastoral Message

Have you ever sat down to count the cost of discipleship? The words in the song below captures the decision of the songwriter Leslie B. Tucker. Please quietly reflect on the words and make your decision.

  1. I have decided to follow Jesus; /3x No turning back, no turning back.
  2. Tho’ none go with me, I still will follow, /3x No turning back, no turning back.
  3. My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus; /3x No turning back, No turning back.
  4. The world behind me, the cross before me, /3x No turning back, no turning back.


Pastoral Message

Today is the first Sunday in the second half of the year and we cannot but set a day aside to celebrate God’s goodness to us. In trouble and in joy, our God’s praises shall flow from our hearts to Him. Let us therefore join the Little Angels and Children’s Choir to celebrate God’s goodness. The hymnist’s words in MHB 29 resonate how all things, including us who are created in God’s image, must praise Him: ALL things praise Thee, LORD most high; Heaven and earth and sea and sky, All were for Thy glory made, That Thy greatness thus displayed Should all worship bring to Thee; All things praise Thee: LORD, may we. All things praise Thee; gracious LORD, Great Creator, powerful Word, Omnipresent Spirit, now At Thy feet we humbly bow, Lift our hearts in praise to Thee; All things praise Thee : LORD may we. Amen.


Pastoral Message

Faith and trust go together. When we have faith in someone, we are able to trust him or her and take them at their word. These words are synonymous and cannot be separated. Every religion thrives on the belief that we have, which moves us by faith to trust. The words in Methodist Hymn 517 makes a lot of sense in our journey through life and it is my prayer that as we meditate on these words, they will encourage us on.

SIMPLY trusting every day, Trusting through a stormy way Even when my faith is small, Trusting JESUS, that’s all,

Singing, if my way be clear; Praying, if the path be drear; If in danger, for Him call; Trusting JESUS, that’s all,


Pastoral Message

“When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed; when you are discouraged thinking all is lost, count your many blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.” These are words of a song that are worth reflecting on. For as long as we live on this earth, challenges are bound to come but today’s theme provides the solution: Patience and Peace in personal storms. We cannot have answers to all our questions, but God remains faithful and sovereign. We will understand Him better by and by. So take heart and lean on His promises; it shall not be long for you to testify of what the personal storms have taught you about God’s faithfulness. Others are going through similar challenges and can be a source of encouragement to you. So cheer up.


Pastoral Message

Whenever a farmer plants his or her seeds, his/her expectation is that the plants will grow and bear sustainable fruits. So it is with the Christian life. God expects that the investment He has projected into our lives will continuously yield results that show growth. It is not enough to populate God’s Kingdom. Everyone in the Kingdom must show evidence of growth and stability. When we bear sustainable fruits, God is glorified and the world is able to testify of Christianity’s relevance. Having travelled through almost half-way of the year, let each of us subject our lives in a sober reflection to see whether there has been any growth in it as Christians. Let us remember that, there is always room for improvement and continuously strive to make perfection our target.


Pastoral Message

During the month of May, we gained some insight into Missionaries and Missions and what the Lord is doing through His children. In all their presentations, it was found obvious that they need our prayers as partners in the ministry. Today’s Prayer Service therefore, focuses more on this and it is my hope that, having already given support to these organizations materially, our prayers too will go to strengthen and move them further into virgin areas to continue winning more souls for Christ. If we cannot go to the frontiers ourselves, we can support these “missionaries” with our substance to help them make more progress in the business of populating God’s Kingdom. Yes we can; yes we will. May the good Lord hear our cry and bring more souls into His vineyard.


Pastoral Message

In recent times, it is being reported in the news that some countries have expressed concern over their low natural birth rate. In some therefore, the citizens are being encouraged to have more children in exchange for some incentives. In the same way, if we do not grow God’s family, we cause God to grieve. Let’s not forget that we have been given the mandate to populate God’s Kingdom and wherever we are, or whoever we may be, the mandate certainly affects us all. As our children celebrate the children’s Sunday, I pray that we will all be challenged to go into all places and invite all people to come to Jesus. We have to grow God’s family.


Pastoral Message

Today’s presentation is the last in the series planned for this year’s Mission Awareness Month. Throughout the presentation, all the presenters agreed collectively that the fields are white, with many more still outside of the gates of the Kingdom who needed to be brought in by telling them about God’s love. We can achieve this through prayer, partnership support plus personally reaching out to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Next week, we will have the opportunity to give to support Missions and it is my prayer that none of us will let this opportunity slip by. I entreat you to give cheerfully and generously in the name of the Lord. The presentation today also focuses on how we can use the social media, which has become a common tool for communicating to “gossip” the message of the Gospel. Is it a tool we can use? Lets check it out and use this opportunity.


Pastoral Message

The Great Commission mandates us to go into the world and make disciples of all nations. There are some people of the Muslim faith who are not aware that the Prophet Isaiah came for the salvation of humankind. In John 10:16, Jesus the good shepherd said that He has other sheep that are not in the fold and therefore must be brought into the kingdom because they will listen to his voice. Reaching out to Muslims require a special approach. That is why today’s presentation shares with us how best we can reach out as brothers and sisters. May the good Lord help us to be active in populating God’s Kingdom.


Pastoral Message

Once again, we are celebrating the Missions Awareness Month to be informed of how God is populating His Kingdom using His children. We would be enlightened on Sports Evangelism, the strategy of Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International, reaching out to Muslims as friends and the use of Social Media to share the Gospel. It is my prayer that we would appreciate how important soul-winning to populate God’s Kingdom is to Him. Let us also remember that at the beginning of next month, (June) we would take an offering to support the work of these organizations. I know you will prayerfully give to support God’s work. We must help to populate God’s Kingdom.


Pastoral Message

Once again, we are celebrating the Missions Awareness Month to be informed of how God is populating His Kingdom using His children. We would be enlightened on Sports Evangelism, the strategy of Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International, reaching out to Muslims as friends and the use of Social Media to share the Gospel. It is my prayer that we would appreciate how important soul-winning to populate God’s Kingdom is to Him. Let us also remember that at the beginning of next month, (June) we would take an offering to support the work of these organizations. I know you will prayerfully give to support God’s work. We must help to populate God’s Kingdom.


Pastoral Message

Children play a key role in the Kingdom of God. That is why we have set today aside for them to lead the Church in raising funds towards the Jubilee Administrative Block. The Contractor is mobilizing to come to the site to begin construction. While we all look forward to the completed structure, we also must pray and give to support a worthy cause. God’s work must go on beyond generations and it is my prayer that our children will also own the project and give to support it. The Gospel must be spread through activities such as this one and it is my hope that the Lord will use the Church’s infrastructure to win more souls for the Kingdom.


Pastoral Message

Today has been set aside to bring to the fore the Wellness and Counseling Committee of this Church and the role it plays. This Committee has as members, devoted professionals who avail of their services for our wellness. They include counselors, medical and para-medical personnel. For many of us, we have not tapped into the wisdom of this pool of professionals. I encourage you to know the members so that you can seek appropriate counselling, not only pre-marital, but also on anything that has to do with our wellbeing. Let us remember that the counsel of Luke the Physician (or medical doctor) was of immense benefit to the apostle Paul. We therefore are inter-dependent in the family of God’s people. It is my prayer therefore that we will make good use of these resources and be guided in decisions we take.


Pastoral Message

What a difference it makes when we are convinced that Jesus is at our side. After the resurrection of Jesus, there were many doubts in the minds of those who lived in Jerusalem, including His disciples. They wondered if indeed Jesus had risen. As proof of this, Jesus appeared to two of his disciples who were on their way to Emmaus. During his time with them, they came to the conclusion that Jesus had risen. During this period after the Easter celebration, it is necessary that we encounter Jesus so that we will be assured that He is risen indeed. As we break the bread and drink of the cup, it is my prayer that our eyes shall be opened to recognize Jesus as our Saviour and Lord. This will assure us that our Saviour lives and will not desert us. Immanuel-God is with us.


Pastoral Message

We have been reminded of the Gospel message whose focus is on the fact that God is in Christ Jesus, reconciling humankind to Himself. This message has to be communicated by you and me. We have to be witnesses of Jesus Christ and tell all those we come into contact with, that we have experienced Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord. Such communication can be done by sharing the Gospel using our mouth and also our lifestyle. Today’s teaching throws more light on the latter: our lifestyle. Wherever we find ourselves, we are likely to meet people who do not know Christ, - people who are not yet in God’s Kingdom. It is our duty to make our lifestyle testify that Jesus saves; then can we follow it up with our word of the mouth. Let us all dedicate ourselves anew to God and be witnesses of the name that we profess: CHRIST-IAN. We should not be ashamed of what we profess. May the good Lord help us to communicate the Gospel by our lifestyle.


Pastoral Message

Death is normally a word that we don’t want to be told about since it brings grief, separation and uncertainty about the future. The death of our Savior and Lord, Jesus the Christ, took a different turn. Behold! On the third day he rose again from the dead and is counted among the living. Death is swallowed up in victory.” Oh death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (I Cor. 15:54-57). So we have a tested case to prove the resurrection of the dead and to help us have the assurance that whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. Eternal life is available in Jesus Christ for all who believe. Jesus is risen indeed. Halleluyah!


Pastoral Message

Were you there when they crucified the Lord? How would you have felt and what questions would you want answers to? Every year, almost the whole world celebrates the passion of our Lord Jesus the Christ as he faced death with a strong assurance of completing his mission. He came to His own but His own did not recognize Him. He was crucified; he died and was buried. In all of these, His own did not realize that Jesus went through all these for the sake of humankind. We all had gone astray and looked the other way when our redeemer had come. Today, we are reminded through the melodies of the Cross that Jesus faced death, expecting a bright future for all who believed in Him. We therefore have to position ourselves to reap the full benefits of the Cross which is followed by a crown. This is because Jesus cried “It is finished”.


Pastoral Message

Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! This word brings memories of our childhood days and helps us recall some of the songs that we sang especially during the procession through the streets. The “Hosanna” fever is still with us. It is an indication that we are in the Passion Week during which the Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter shall be celebrated. What has necessitated this? It is the climax of Jesus Christ’s suffering and shame as a result of our sins. He was crucified for our sake but rose from the dead in triumph to bring salvation to us. As we celebrate this day and shout “Hosanna,” Let us remember that it means “Lord, save now”. May the salvation that Jesus Christ has brought to you and me be consolidated in our response and transformation. May it cause us to bear fruit that befits repentance and not be ashamed to testify about Jesus. Hosanna, Lord save now.


Pastoral Message

We have been focusing, this month, on how we can share the Gospel message about Jesus with others. A few weeks ago, we had a presentation made to us on how we can share the Gospel by deed as salt and light, and today’s presentation is focused on how we can use our mouths to testify about Jesus the Christ and His work of salvation. We have to populate God’s Kingdom because it is a mandate that has to be fulfilled. Jesus once said that whoever is not ashamed of Him before others, He will also not be ashamed of that person before the Father in heaven. There is a secret for success in evangelism: we have to share the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit and leave the results to God. Our role is not to convert people - God does that through the Word that we share. Ours is to share the Gospel as witnesses of the conversion experience and God will surely play His part. May today’s presentation ignite in us a desire to tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love, simply, as to a little child. We can and we must.


Pastoral Message

Today’s world seems to be looking for life at the wrong places. Many are those who are confused about what makes life worth living. Several theories and prescriptions have sought to provide the answer. We, Christians, have the tried-and-tested answer - Jesus the Christ. The historical evidence and experiential knowledge affirm that anyone who accepts Him as Saviour and Lord will not perish but have everlasting life. They that have the Son have life, they that do not have the Son of God do not have life. So accept Jesus Christ (whose life, death and resurrection have initiated this period) and live. He lived and died for our sins, but rose from the dead and lives forever. This is a sure guarantee that all who accept Jesus Christ will not perish but have everlasting life.


Pastoral Message

At the beginning of this year, our teaching sessions focused on the Gospel message and what it is. In this third month, we will focus our attention on how to share this Good News with others as a means of populating God’s Kingdom. Since each one of us live within a community or work with other people, we have the opportunity to share the Gospel. As we are enlightened on how to communicate the Gospel as light of the world and salt of the Earth, let us allow the Lord to open our eyes to opportunities which we get daily. Let us ask the Lord of the harvest to lead each one of us to a soul today. Our prayer should be that of the songwriter titled “Lead me to some soul today”. Lead me to some soul today, O teach me, Lord, just what to say; Friends of mine are lost in Sin, And cannot find their way. Few there are who seem to care, And few there are who pray; Melt my heart and fill my life, Give me one soul today.


Pastoral Message

On behalf of the Church Council I wish to express our profound gratitude to the Harvest and Thanksgiving Committee as well as the whole Congregation for your generosity towards the building of the Jubilee Complex. We have come very far and will not turn back. I am confident that our labour in the Lord will not be in vain. Today, as we spend time to pray and also launch the 2024 Annual Thanksgiving, it should be backed by action and we all long for that to take place. Therefore, I echo the words of Nehemiah to the Jews, “come let us rise up and build (Neh. 2:17). God will surely remember us and help us to see the completion of the first phase of the Jubilee Structures. He will, because He is faithful.


Pastoral Message

In our world today, role models have become important in the formation of novices. They are needed to mentor the young ones so that the latter can add to their knowledge. Today’s theme draws our attention to the fact that for us Christians, Jesus Christ is our example. He who was God, took the form of a human being and lived on this earth, modeling true Christianity to us. He humbled himself to the point of death, went through the challenges of life and finally laid down His life for our sake. He is therefore more than the son of Joseph and Mary. Jesus is a good model and this enables us to live the Christian life victoriously. For this period of Lent, a lot will be said about Him and it is our responsibility to reflect on His Person, what He stood for and what He died for. Our salvation is paramount in His mission on earth. If we are called Christians, then we must follow His example to be Christ-like disciples. May the many of us who profess faith in Jesus rise up to demonstrate to the world the fact that Jesus Christ is indeed our example.


Pastoral Message

Are you happy to be here? If Christ should appear while you are in Church, will you be able to say “It is good you are here”? The experience that the disciples had while they were with Jesus on the mountain and what they saw, made them excited about the event.They would have wished to remain on the mountain forever. But that was not the plan of Jesus. The purpose of the Transfiguration was to reveal Jesus to the disciples so that they could testify about Him. If we are happy to be with Jesus, then His presence should urge us to go and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to all of humankind in order to populate God’s Kingdom.


Pastoral Message

A new month has dawned on us and we are grateful to God who has assured us that His presence will go with us. It is well therefore with us. The past month’s teachings have enlightened us on how white the fields are for missions and evangelism and as well as what the Gospel message is. We must be able to convince a friend or a relative that: “GOD LOVES YOU” and follow it with the A,B,C,D, of the Gospel. As a church, we have been committed to the Great Commission and, since we all supported last year’s Outreach with GHAFES to the Oti Region, I find it equally necessary that we press on to know more about the joy and challenges of reaching out to the unreached ethnic groups in Ghana. It is my prayer that the presentations that are made will position us to participate directly or indirectly in the outreach this year too and be able to share in the joy of partaking in the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus the Christ.


Pastoral Message

If you cannot be a watchman, Standing high on Zion’s wall, Pointing out the path to heaven, Off’ring life and peace to all, With your prayers and with your bounties You can do what God demands; You can be like faithful Aaron, Holding up the prophet’s hands. Let none hear you idly saying, “There is nothing I can do,” While the sons of men are dying, And the Master calls for you: Take the task he gives you gladly, Let his work your pleasure be; Answer quickly when he calleth, “Here am I; send me, send me.”


Pastoral Message

Hark! the voice of Jesus crying, “Who will go and work today? Fields are white, and harvests waiting; Who will bear the sheaves away?” Loud and long the Master calleth, Rich reward he offers free; Who will answer, gladly saying, “Here am I; send me, send me.”

If you cannot cross the ocean, And the heathen lands explore, You can find the heathen nearer, You can help them at your door. If you cannot give your thousands,

You can give the widow’s mite; And the least you give for Jesus Will be precious in his sight.


Pastoral Message

There is no doubt that the Gospel has been preached in this country for the past two centuries, approximately. The statistics show that there are many Christians in the country; yet the fields are still white and harvest is waiting. There are some people who have heard the Gospel but have not yielded fully to Christ Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Others, like the seeds sown by the farmer in the parable of the Sower, have fallen into thorns or by the wayside. Our duty, in obedience to the Great Commission, is to reach out. We can best do this when we are well informed. As we are updated by the Ghana Evangelism Committee on the state of Missions in Ghana, it is my prayer that each one of us will realize how important it is for us to help fulfill the Great Commission. Only then will our crowns be decorated with jewels representing souls that we brought into God’s Kingdom.


Pastoral Message

A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify, A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky.

To serve the present age, My calling to fulfil: O may it all my powers engage To do my master’s will!

Arm me with jealous care, As in Thy sight to live; And O Thy servant, LORD, prepare A strict account to give!

Help me to watch and pray, And on Thyself rely, Assured, if I my trust betray, I shall for ever die.


Pastoral Message

Today is the last Sunday of the year 2023. It is being observed as Baptism and Confirmation Sunday with the focus of receiving into membership some of our brothers and sisters. Reflecting on this year’s theme: GOING ON TO MATURITY, these baptism and confirmation rites should take us back to the days when we were also initiated into the body of Christ. We should each assess our performance in terms of Christian maturity to see whether we are growing and that we are happy with our rate of growth. As these young ones confess and confirm their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, it is my prayer that as members of the Church, and as parents and guardians, we will also welcome them heartily into our midst and encourage them to initiate us just as we are also initiating Christ. May the years ahead increase our growth in Christ so that when He returns, He will find us ready for His coming.


Pastoral Message

CHRISTIANS, awake, salute the happy morn, Whereon the Saviour of the world was born; Rise to adore the mystery of love, Which hosts of Angels chanted from above; With them the joyful tidings first begun; Of God incarnate and the Virgin’s Son. Then to the watchful shepherds it was told, Who heard the angelic herald’s voice: Behold, I bring good tidings of a Saviour’s birth To you and all the nations upon earth; This day hath God fulfilled His promised word, This day is born a Saviour, CHRIST the LORD.


Pastoral Message

Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honour him in your youth before you grow old and say, “Life is not pleasant anymore.” Remember him before the light of the sun, moon, and stars is dim to your old eyes, and rain clouds continually darken your sky. Remember him before your legs – the guards of your house – start to tremble; and before your shoulders – the strong men – stoop. Remember him before your teeth – your few remaining servants – stop grinding; and before your eyes - the women looking through the windows – see dimly. Remember him before the door to life’s opportunities is closed and the sound of work fades. Now you rise at the first chirping of the birds, but then all their sounds will grow faint. Remember him before you become fearful of falling and worry about danger in the streets; before your hair turns white like an almond tree in bloom, and you drag along without energy like a dying grasshopper and the caperberry no longer inspires sexual desire. Remember him before you near the grave, your everlasting home when the mourners will weep at your funeral.


Pastoral Message

The Christmas season means a lot for children and that is why this Church has allocated one of the Sundays in the Advent season for the Sunday School to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. They will communicate to us their understanding of the birth of our Saviour and Redeemer. We should therefore use the season, to celebrate the period with our children just as was done for us when we were children. Parents! please take a break and get closer to the children and let them enjoy the aroma of the Christmas Season. Christ’s birth is the climax of God becoming human in a manger.

He took the lowest position of life to be in a manger so that, all of humankind will have the assurance that Jesus took our place and understands whatever we go through. Let us therefore be reminded of the narration of the Nativity and pick some lessons for our lives.


Pastoral Message

We are gradually getting closer to Christmas, the period for reflection on the first Advent, when Jesus the Christ was born. The theme today: “Make Straight Path for the Lord” is worth pondering over. Many of us have been complaining of bad roads in Ghana, some of which are riddled with pot-holes. Driving on such roads can be quite unpleasant, but when a key political figure is going to use any of them, the construction machinery is brought to level it for him. Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, is coming soon and the signs are on the wall. Let us therefore examine our lives to see whether we have made progress in our journey to maturity. If we have, then let us press on, otherwise let us begin to put our house in order. Let Him come to meet us prepared for His Second Coming. The time is now; tomorrow might be too late.


Pastoral Message

Today is Advent Sunday and it ushers us into the Christmas season. We give thanks to God for another Christmas celebration, but at the same time, we should be reminded that the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus the Christ is near. While we prepare for Christmas, we shall equally prepare for the Second Advent.The days of His coming are numbered and closer than when we first heard it. As we visit the YAF Bazaar to make purchases or prepare our Christmas shopping list, let us also remember that Jesus Christ will come again. He will not come as a baby born in a but as Lion of Judah to judge the world. I pray that He comes to meet you prepared. I am committed to this. What about you?


Pastoral Message

Today’s teaching brings us to the end of this year’s teachings on the Creeds. I hope that you have realized that every statement in the Creeds capture our faith as Christians. We must therefore make time to reflect on what we affirm in the Creeds and hold firm to our faith. Our belief in the resurrection of our Saviour and Lord Jesus the Christ as well as his promise to us of a resurrection must urge us on in our Christian journey. It is not over until it is over. Jesus will come to judge the quick and the dead. If we believe in Him, then we should know that our resurrection, which began when we accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, will surely result in our perishable bodies putting on the imperishable to be with the Lord forever. Do you believe this? I believe in the resurrection.


Pastoral Message

I have heard some people, including Christians, question the relevance of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It seems to many that the delay means He will not come again. In His teachings, Jesus gave many indications of what specific occurrences will herald His Second Coming. These included famine, wars, earthquakes, persecution of Christians and economic hardships. He however stated that, He as the son did not know the day or the hour; only the Father knew. He therefore cautioned His disciples, including us that, just as happened in the days of Noah, so shall His second coming be; the Floods came suddenly, as people ate and drank, married and were given in marriage. The inference then is that we should at all times be ready as Christians and ensure that this crooked world does not destroy our faith. We must look forward to the Lord’s Second Coming because it will be a significant turning point in history for our benefit. This expectation must energize us daily to keep in touch with our God.


Pastoral Message

Do you believe in the resurrection of the dead? I do, because it is the foundation of the Christian faith. Jesus died and was buried, but on the third day, he resurrected, not as a ghost but as a person who had actually died. This event gives justification for our salvation and assures those who put their trust in Jesus that even if we die and get buried, the power that raised Christ from the grave will also work on our dead bodies and resurrected them. Our belief in the resurrection of the dead must signal us to the reality of life after death and the need for each one of us to be ready to give an account of our lives to God. The resurrection of our Lord Jesus is made certain historically by the appearance of the risen Lord Jesus to his disciples including Thomas the doubter. He, on seeing Jesus, testified,” my Lord and my God” (Jn.20:28). Jesus said to Thomas “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29) Be blessed because you have believed.


Pastoral Message

Offering time is blessing time. It must always be the joy of every Christian to give in support of God’s work. Opportunities such as this Annual Thanksgiving must be grabbed by us to show our appreciation to God. At the beginning of this year, there were many predictions from economists, financial analysts, politicians, pastors and prophets among others, about how the year was going to be. Yes, there have been storms but clinging to the Lord of the storms has brought us this far. We must be thankful to God and hold on to his Word. The theme for the year; “Going on to maturity” must surely reflect in our attitude towards giving to God. No twisting of arms or invoking of blessings. Let us demonstrate to God that we are maturing in our understanding of Giving and God will prove His Word. God, as our Father, should be happy that we are maturing and that we give to Him because He first gave life to us and added His only begotten Son to make us heirs of God. Let us therefore give as heirs.


Pastoral Message

We are just two months away from the end of the year 2023. How has the year been? Good? Bad? Difficult to grade? If we have life however, and can move about sing and appreciate the joys of nature, etc, etc, then we must imperatively give thanks to God. We began with many predictions and challenges but through it all, God has shown Himself as the One who has the whole world in His hands.

Today, as we look back to evaluate how the year has generally been, we must also look at the present and be able to make fair predictions of the future. Our presence in Church alone puts us in the mood and stirs our hearts to know that it is a time to celebrate God’s immense goodness with unassailable thanks and praises. The joy that fills our hearts today can give us assurance of a future full of hope. As we prepare for our annual thanksgiving next week, I urge you to count your blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.


Pastoral Message

Have you ever asked why Jesus Christ does not immediately take us up to heaven after accepting him as our Saviour and Lord? He said that he has chosen us so that we would bear fruit; fruit that abides. By this, God our Father is glorified (Jn. 15: 16). While we are on this earth, surrounded by people and other elements of the environment, we have a social responsibility towards them. Many organizations find ways of demonstrating their social responsibility to the society. We also, as individuals and a Congregation, have a role to play by loving our neighbours and extending a helping hand to them. It is my prayer that just as God so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten Son, we also will give of our best to others. By so doing, our Father is glorified.


Pastoral Message

Today is devoted to more time of prayer. We are mindful of the uncertainties around us and the feeling of despair. The words in the Methodist Hymn numbered 491 should urge on to watch and pray:

MHB 491

CHRISTIAN, seek not yet repose; Cast thy dreams of ease away; Thou art in the midst of foes: Watch and pray. Principalities and powers, Mustering their unseen array, Wait for thy unguarded hours: Watch and pray. Gird thy heavenly armour on; Wear it ever, night and day; Ambushed lies the evil one: Watch and pray. Hear the victors who o’ercame; Still they mark each warrior’s way; All with one sweet voice exclaim, Watch and pray. Hear, above all, hear thy LORD, Him thou lovest to obey; Hide within thy heart His word: Watch and pray. Watch, as if on that alone Hung the issue of the day: Pray, that help may be sent down: Watch and pray.


Pastoral Message

Any time we come across a fruit tree with no fruits on it as we expect it to have, we feel disappointed. We feel that way because we think the fruit tree was planted to produce fruit for the planter to enjoy as fruits for his or her labour. Today’s theme, “Producing Fruits,” is a wake-up call to every person, to know that there is a day of accountability. We cannot live anyhow when it has cost God his only begotten Son to redeem us. We have to conform to a standard that God has laid down in His word as attestation that we are Christians. We have to humble ourselves and count as loss, all the things that charm us most, but rather, focus on fruit-bearing. Let us therefore, be mindful of the period we find ourselves in, draw our nourishment from our Lord Jesus who is the Vine, and as branches, produce fruits to God’s glory. If we fail to do this, we will be cut down.


Pastoral Message

“Persisting to the end” is the theme for our reflection today. The Christian journey is filled with many serious challenges and is comparable to the Israelites’ journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. For some, leaving Egypt sounded pleasant because they thought it was going to be a rosy journey. Today’s reading from Exodus tells us that it was the opposite. They became thirsty and hungry along the way and at a point, some got angry and quarreled with the leadership, as if they were forced to join the group that was migrating from Egypt. Some even wanted to return to Egypt to continue enjoying the pleasantness there. There is no doubt that many people who begin as Christians fall by the wayside and do not get to the end of the journey. Some leave to join other religions while others renounce Christianity altogether for the material things of this world. The question for each of us to reflect on is this: “When the roll is called up yonder, will I be there?” We have to persist vigorously to the end without looking back and this calls for serious commitment, knowing why we have chosen this path to belong to Christ. Surely, it is not an easy path to tread but the Saviour is with us, and His presence gives us joy every day. So my brother, my sister! Press on and persist to the end for there is no crown without a cross.


Pastoral Message

History plays an important role in the life of any growing organization such as a Church. The Church militant, to which we belong, has come very far, building on the works of the Church triumphant. Most of the doctrines and practices of the Church have gone through several stages of reformation because the Church is dynamic. What we practice during baptism and in the administration of the sacraments, which is the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion, have reasons for what we do now. The same goes for our belief in what is summarized in the Creed. Time will not allow us to delve into the history of these traditions and beliefs. Our focus today is to remember that we are not the first people to become Christians or the People of God; others have preceded us. It is therefore our turn to hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who called is faithful.


Pastoral Message

Belonging to the Church universal is a worthy calling and it places us in a high position. Even though we are in this world, the Bible tells us that we are not of it. This means that the world has high expectation of all who call themselves Christians. It is not easy to live in this dark world of sin and that is why belonging to the Church is of immense benefit to us. If we are in a Congregation like Trinity United Church, then we must make maximum use of the opportunities for worship, instruction (teachings), fellowship and evangelism. These are 4 key areas needed for Christian growth. We must not neglect meeting together with other Christians. We must encourage one another all the more since the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is fast approaching. Let everyone know that you and I are proud members of the Church whose head is Jesus Christ.


Pastoral Message

One of the beliefs which every Christian must be proud of, is being part of the body of Christ. However, when we identify with the Church, we must accept the fact that we also become united with other believers. The Bible exhorts us to love one another for, by this act, people would know that we are Jesus Christ’s disciples. The source of love is God and His children, we must express this virtue to all people who have been created in the image of God, particularly those of the household of God. Coincidentally, today and as part of the exhortation command, we are going to share in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion. As we remind ourselves of the love that God showed us by offering His beloved Son who died in our place, let us also extend this love to others.

“Beloved, let us love: Love is of God; In God alone hath love its true abode Beloved let us love: For they who love, They only are His sons, Born from above. Beloved let us love: For love is rest, And he who loveth not, Abides unblest.” MHB 444


Pastoral Message

One of the key doctrines that are summarized in the Creeds is in that of the Church. The Church is the representative of the Godhead. From the words of Jesus during the latter part of his ministry, it is clear that the Church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, has to fulfill the Great Commission on earth. The statement “I believe one Holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins…” as found in the Nicene Creed, summarizes the doctrine of the Church. The Church’s identity is found in this affirmation. Irrespective of which denomination one belongs, the Church is one, visible and invisible. The Church is the communion of saints who have been set apart because of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. The Church is catholic (that is universal) and keeps to the apostolic tradition. If you and I belong to the Church, then we are privileged to be connected to God and the people of God. Let us therefore be proud of this identity.


Pastoral Message

Prayer is man’s most sacred, yet neglected privilege. Perhaps the hymnist had this in mind when he sang: “What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and grief’s to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!” People often ask, how can find such an all- absorbing interest in prayer such that, regardless of the pressure of daily affairs, I am drawn to the secret place to talk with God? To him who knows God as his Father, and who is conscious of His immediate presence, prayer is a great delight. To such a person, there is no other privilege so sacred or sweet, and if life’s duties would permit, he would gladly spend all day in the place of prayer. An hour with a tender, loving Father, who is vitally interested in all our affairs, seems but a moment, and leaves us longing for more of His divine companionship. As Frances Jane Alstyne puts it “when I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God, I commune as friend with friend!” May the grace of prayer fall on us anew.


Pastoral Message

The gateway of faith is the key to receiving everything God has promised us. Jesus stated that even the smallest amount of faith, like a grain of mustard seed, is enough to speak to a mountain of impossibilities and it will be moved. Consequently, to enjoy “great faith” is the key to God’s unlimited blessings. We certainly want to know what “great faith is, but more importantly, how do we get it? What is common to the two individuals to whom “great faith” was ascribed in the Gospels is not their insistence for miracles against all odds, but their common belief in the greatness of Jesus. The greater Jesus is to you, the greater your faith. Thus, great faith is directly connected to the person of Jesus. It is only the word about Jesus Christ and what He has done that can build us on to greater faith.


Pastoral Message

Faith as the Bible describes it, is confidence in God and His Son Jesus Christ. Faith is a gift of God to a penitent soul and has nothing whatsoever to do with the senses. True faith rests upon the character of God and asks no further proof than the moral perfections of the one who cannot lie. It is enough that God said it, and if the statement should contradict one of the five senses and all the conclusions of logic as well, still the believer continues to believe. “Let God be true, but every man a liar,” is the language of true faith. Heaven approves such faith because it rises above mere proofs and rests in the bosom of God. It is this kind of faith that overcomes the storms of life because, it is focused on God and not the storms.


Pastoral Message

Many of us have been wondering whether the Jubilee will see the light of day. The answer is a definitive “YES” under God’s providence. Following the Seminary Board’s decision that we start the phase one of the work, the Building and Development Committees are working hard to enable us break the ground before the year ends. Let me congratulate every member of this church and all our friends and well wishers for your patience, concern and generosity. As we are given another opportunity to support God’s work, let us do it cheerfully and God will not forget us. Indeed our God is faithful and will do it again and again.


Pastoral Message

This is the last Sunday in July, 2023 and we have every cause to give thanks to our Creator and Sustainer for bringing us this far. He has blessed us with every blessing in heaven and on this earth. He created us in His sacred image to be able to apply our capabilities. Consequently we have a responsibility while here to search and make choices and use these profitably to secure a place in heaven. But the question is, “what type of things should our search target?” What we look for must be precious by heavenly standard to be able to stand the test of the times. I urge you therefore to know that all things are lawful, but it is not all things that are helpful. Let us pray to God our heavenly Father to empower us by His Spirit to discern the times and help us search for those things that will enable us conform to the image of Christ. Let what our search targets be a demonstration of maturity so that the Lord can commend us on the day of accountability. Beloved, let us search for the hidden treasure that will last.


Pastoral Message

Our deliberation on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit this month has been an eye opener, hope. Today, we end the series by highlighting on the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The word is “fruit” and not “fruits”; this has theological implications. The Holy Spirit manifests one fruit but in that package are other characteristics. So one cannot bear the fruit of love and not be patient or joyful. It is a package. The characteristics might all not manifest in the same measure now, but as we allow the Holy Spirit to take absolute control of our lives and transform us, we would see the beauty of the Holy Spirit in the fruit that we bear. May the Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on us; break us, melt us, mould us and fill us with His Spirit so that we would be able to bear the fruit of the Spirit.


Pastoral Message

This month’s teachings on the Holy Spirit cannot end without a time of reflection and prayer for the empowering of the Holy Spirit. We are weak but when the Spirit of God empowers us, we are sustained in our Christian journey. So, today is a Prayer Service. Let us focus our minds on the works of the Holy Spirit and His gifts. There is work that each one of us can do for God through the church of which we are members. Let us therefore yearn for the spiritual gifts and depend on the Holy Spirit who gives them as he deems fit. May today’s Prayer Service energize us to pray without ceasing and also enable us to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit as we stir up these abilities.


Pastoral Message

Today, we continue the teachings on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. We were made aware in the previous teaching that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and is God. He is all-knowing, all-powerful and everywhere. The Holy Spirit was present at creation and played an active role. He is the Spirit of Truth and leads us into all truth as spoken by the prophets of old and Jesus Christ the Son of God. This Holy Spirit superintended the writing of the Scriptures and therefore gives us understanding of God’s word. As we delve deeper to know His works and gifts, it is my prayer we will experience Him in our lives and be empowered in our Christian journey by the Holy Spirit who is God.


Pastoral Message

Another month that is devoted for teachings based on what we believe, as summarized in the Creeds, is here with us. The focus is on the Holy Spirit who is the Third Person of the Trinity. Some areas to be covered are: His Nature, His work and Gifts, and His fruit. Often, the Holy Spirit has either been down-played or over emphasized as if the Godhead is no more at work except the Holy Spirit. God who alone is Father, Son and Holy Spirit have continually been active in our redemption, salvation and regeneration. The functions of the Holy Spirit in this era seems more obvious as predicted by Jesus Christ. However, we must understand that the Holy Spirit does outside of the Godhead. Jesus stated clearly that the Holy Spirit will glorify Him, for he will take what is Jesus’ and declare it to us (Jn. 16:14). I pray that through these teachings, we will be more knowledgeable and no longer be children, tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine.


Pastoral Message

This Sunday the last for the first six months of 2023. The Lord deserves our praise continually and this was evident in last week’s celebration of praise. Today provides an opportunity for the Council to give an account of how we fared financially in 2022 and to hear the report of the external auditors. Let me use this opportunity to thank you all for your presence at Church, your tithes and offerings as well as your prayers. We are moving on and seeking to go on to maturity.

Just as we are giving account of our financial stewardship, so do I want you to attempt an evaluation of your growth to see how you are doing spiritually. I pray that each one of us will pause and assess him or herself. The Lord wants each of us to bear fruits that will stand the test of the time so watch out. I am hopeful that we will each pray ourselves into the next half of the year and remain on course towards maturity.


Pastoral Message

“What shall I render to my God, for all His mercy’s store? I’ll take the gifts He hath bestowed And humbly ask for more.”

MHB 399 stanza 1.

Beloved, I am sure that we as a Church, as well as individuals, can look back over the past months and agree with the words of the composer of this Hymn, Charles Wesley. At the beginning of the year, there were many prophecies and academic predictions of doom. But here we are, getting to the end of June. Even though we are not yet out of the woods as a nation, we will not be moved. The praises of our God shall our hearts employ in magnifying the name of our God. Let us rejoice and sing praises to His holy name and rest assured that because He lives, we can face tomorrow. That is the essence of today’s celebration- So praise the Lord!


Pastoral Message

Today is the first Sunday after Trinity and two Sundays after Pentecost. It is a period of renewal by the Spirit of God and requires that we tarry with expectant hearts. It is for this reason that as a Church, we are spending the time in prayer. The world, our nation, the Body of Christ, our homes among others need prayer support. When we cease praying, we open doors for the evil one to put doubt in our minds. Let us therefore pray without ceasing and remember that prayer is the key of heaven and faith unlocks the door. Our God answers prayer and therefore coming to Him in faith and putting our requests before Him should make our hearts glad. Like Hannah, let us go home in peace and not allow sorrow to overtake us. Peace be unto you.


Pastoral Message

Today is Trinity Sunday and we celebrate this day to remind ourselves of one doctrine that demonstrates the unity of the Godhead: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Throughout the execution plan of God, we see the role that each Person of the Trinity plays in our redemption. The doctrine of the Trinity embraces and emphasizes one God in Three Persons. The Godhead is affirmed in the Bible through the attributes of God that the teach. As a Church which bears the name of the Trinity, we must bear in mind that we are from different denominations and persuasions but this does not, and should not divide us. There is beauty in variety, so let us maintain this enduring and remarkably beautiful spirit of brotherhood in unity and diversity. In this way, our identity will be a testimony to all. TRINITY! ONE GOD!


Pastoral Message

Today is the last Sunday in the Missions Awareness month. It is also Pentecost Sunday. The Lord has through the various organizations enlightened us on what they are doing to help fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have had the Great Commission Movement of Ghana, Oneway Africa Ministries, and Chosen Rehabilitation Centre and today we will hear more about ministration to people living in the “Supposed Witches” Camp. We have a responsibility to give to support them while we bear them up also in prayer. Hark! the voice of Jesus calling, “who will go and work today?” Let us remember that we can always be partners with any of these organizations, and our step of faith will not be in vain. The Lord will bless us and we will have cause to rejoice when our Lord Jesus appears again on this day of Pentecost, let us be agents of the Great Commission.


Pastoral Message

As we continue the celebration of the Mission’s Awareness Month, our guests today are from the Chosen Rehab Centre, a Christian organization that is reaching out to drug addicts and winning them for Christ.

We thank God for the diverse ways by which the Great Commission is being fulfilled. It is God’s will that all people would hear the Gospel since no one is above salvation. It is heartening to know the sacrifices that many Christians and organizations are making to present the Gospel holistically. We can also share in their success by supporting them through prayer and donating in cash or in kind. It is my prayer that we would each, with a willing heart, give to support the mission that the Lord has entrusted to the Church. Let us not cease praying for them; God answers prayer.


Pastoral Message

We continue our celebration of the Mission Awareness Month with a presentation by Oneway Ministries Africa, a non-denominational NGO that seeks to evangelise the unreached people. The goal of this month’s celebration is to help us identify with groups that are in missions and to support them in prayer and with cash donations. Let us remember that the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ is for all of us Christians to obey. We can share the gospel with others, pray to support those on the field, give financially to support individuals or groups involved in missions as part of our responsibility as disciples. May the Lord lead us to identify a group or groups we can pray for and support as well with our monies. The Lord bless you.


Pastoral Message

This month is the Mission Awareness Month and the goal is to enlighten us as a Church, on what God is doing through many Christian organizations and individuals to help fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. We can be involved in missions directly or indirectly and the opportunity for doing this is now. The fields are white and harvest is waiting, who will bear the sheaves away? Today, we are honoured to host the Great Commission Movement of Ghana (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) and to know more about what the Lord is doing through them. May the good Lord speak to each one of us to support God’s work.


Pastoral Message

As a Church, we have a responsibility to train our children for today as well as the future. That is why we have set this day aside for them and their teachers to lead the Service and also participate in the Church Harvest. They have every right to be able to say that they raised funds for Church projects. As they share the Word of God with us through the Sermon, their sketches and recitals unable us to appreciate the good work that the teachers are doing and the knowledge they are imparting to the children.

At this tender age, the Boys and Girls Brigades constitute a useful channel for training the little boys and girls in good morals and godly values. Our Companies have been dormant for some years now and it is time to revive them. We need the children, officers to guide them and Patrons to support. Will you answer saying, here am I, send me? It is my prayer that our Brigades will see life once again and become effective means for moulding our children.


Pastoral Message

A few days ago we celebrated the Picnic (Emmaus) organized by the Church and thejoy that characterized the day was amazing. Even when the programme had officially come to a close, families and individuals were still hanging around to enjoy the fellowship. That was what the disciples experienced on their way to Emmaus after the Easter. It was no surprise therefore, that they asked the Lord to stay with them. As a church, one of the things that should characterize us is the warmth of fellowship that we have with God and our neighbours. It takes a determined heart to tap into these opportunities. Therefore, we urge you not to neglect the fellowship that God offers as well as that of church members. Our love for and with such fellowship must be so profound that we would say to our Lord, “Stay with us” We must also be determined not to stay away from Him.


Pastoral Message

When one becomes a Christian he or she does not lose his or her identity, culturally. We are African Christians, and as a result, we carry in our way of life all those things that identify us as Africans. The kinds of food we eat, the clothing we put on, the rites of passage that we participate in among others: all these beautify and enhance our identity. The observance of this Traditional Sunday, which would have been in March, is meant to remind us of our identity and the need to be proud of who we are. We can add on from other cultures while preserving our own. If we lose our identity or shy away from it, then we are going to be miserable. Can you imagine attending a conference overseas and being asked to sing or give a speech in your mother tongue and you are found fumbling? Let us be true ambassadors of our culture and proud that we are African Christians.


Pastoral Message

If we were to hear that one of our dearly beloved ones who died a few weeks ago had come back to life, what would be our reaction? It might be difficult to believe, but the big truth is that, our Saviour and Lord Jesus rose up from the grave. An empty grave was there to prove that He lives forever. He has won the victory over death and ascended into heaven. This is good news for us! It tells us that for all who believe in the finished works of Jesus and believe in His resurrection, the grave is not the end of life. We will rather find rest and assurance in our Lord Jesus the Christ who rose from the dead. He has defeated death and Satan so we are more than victorious in Him. We must therefore not live in fear of death. Even if we die and our mortal bodies get rotten, we can be rest assured that eternal life is ours and therefore we will live again because our Jesus has been victorious.


Pastoral Message

Death is one of the well celebrated rites of passage in our world. It is therefore not surprising that we celebrate the Good Friday with dark colours while in some places, the offering for that day is said to be a donation towards Jesus’ burial.

But is that how far we can go? Certainly not. In the celebration of Jesus’ death, we have to go an extra mile of dying with Him. This means that we should rightfully see His death as something that took place in our stead and therefore identify with the hymn of the scientist, Isaac Watts:

  1. When I survey the wondrous Cross

On which the prince of glory died, my richest gain I count but loss, and pour contempt on all my pride.

  1. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God: All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood. (MHB 182)

0Let us not allow Jesus to die alone as if he was a sinner, instead, let us die with Him because we deserved to die as sinners but He took our place because of His love for


Pastoral Message

Today marks the celebration of the triumphant entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem to face death on the Cross. We are celebrating this day because by this action, He demonstrated to us the readiness with which we too can face life and all its challenges. The people who welcomed him into Jerusalem saw him as the Messiah even though he sat on a donkey and not on a horse as expected. Our Saviour and Lord thus, models for us, a new life and lifestyle that should characterize all who follow him - a life of humility. As we enter into the Passion Week, it is my prayer that each of us will position ourselves for victory, even over death, because Jesus has shown that, resurrection comes after death. Our Lord Jesus reigns, forever and ever. Hallelujah!


Pastoral Message

We are less than 2 weeks away from Good Fri- day. The season of Lent is drawing us nearer to the climax of Christ Jesus’s work on the Cross. Have you made time to survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died? That is the essence of today’s celebra- tion, dubbed “Melodies of the Cross”. It is meant to help us reflect on the work of our Lord Jesus the Christ on the Cross and to re- spond positively by pouring contempt on all our pride. We can respond by dedicating our lives to Jesus or invite Him to be the Lord of our lives. This is a step with great benefits and I encourage you to reap fully the bene- fits of the work done by Jesus Christ on the Cross as the Choir ministers to us.


Pastoral Message

He who was Very God of Very God, Begotten not made, had to take upon Himself our human nature. Why should God choose this path to show us the depth of His Love? It was infinite grace. Jesus was born in a manger by the Virgin Mary. He lived on this earth and identified with what it meant to be human, although he was divine. Hebrew 4:15, 16 states: “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in times of need.” Jesus has reconciled us to the Father so that you and I can be beneficiaries of His work and mission on this earth. Indeed our Jesus deserves our praise.


Pastoral Message

The doctrine of Christ occupies an important place in the beliefs of the Church Universal. His pre-existence and incarnation demonstrate the love of God towards us. God so loved the world that he gave His only Son. This act of giving required that the Christ who is God takes upon Himself a human nature so that he could be the Saviour of humankind. By taking upon himself our nature, Jesus identified with us as the second Adam and bore our sins. May this mystery of God and its benefits be ours and may we respond wholeheartedly by giving our lives fully to God through the work of Jesus the Christ.


Pastoral Message

Do you clearly understand these statements as were

made by Jesus:

  1. “Before Abraham was I am” (Jn. 8:58),

  2. “I and the Father are one”? (Jn. 10:30).

These were affirmations that Jesus made of himself. But what do they mean? As we begin the series on the doctrine of Jesus the Christ which is affirmed in the Creeds, we need to start by clearing our minds on the pre- existence of Jesus the Christ. This will enable us to understand further, his birth, mission and resurrection. It is hoped that these teachings will help confirm our understanding of Jesus the Son of God: His nature and mission so that our faith in Him will not waver.


Pastoral Message

Just as a student cannot go through an academic institution without being examined, so it is with the Christian and the Christian journey. Right from the time of Adam and Eve, Satan has consistently made every effort to cause the downfall of human beings through cunning and temptation. Jesus was also tempted at the beginning of his ministry but he overcame Satan. This victory encourages us to know that we can also overcome temptation because our Savior has defeated Satan. In him, we are more than conquerors so let us press on and let this period of Lent provide a time for re-energizing so that we can overcome the temptations of this world- lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life, in Jesus’ name.


Pastoral Message

The celebration of the Transfiguration Sunday by many churches shows the importance of this event to the doctrine of Christ. The disciples of Jesus had walked with him for a period and needed an experiential encounter to help them agree that Jesus was more than the son of Mary and Joseph. The transfiguration of Jesus proved to the core members among the disciples that Jesus is the Christ of whom the Old Testament testifies. They believed and were strengthened in their faith. In the same way, this celebration highlights the nature of Jesus the Christ to us. It is my prayer that we would also experience Jesus and His glory.


Pastoral Message

In times such as those we find ourselves in today, many people are asking where help can come from. The hopes of many, including Christians are wavering and some people are really stressed Psalm 121: ” … .The Psalmist assures us in up. My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade on your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night… The LORD will keep your going out and coming in from this time forth and for evermore.” Let us therefore continue to trust in God’s Word, the Ancient Words, which are ever true. Amen.


Pastoral Message

Growth is a necessary path every organism must go through. In the same way, everyone who professes faith in God must begin the growth process first by being born again. God expects us to grow thereafter and not become dependent on only spiritual milk. As we go on to maturity, significant signs of growth should be evident in our lives. These among others must include our desire for the Word of God, fasting and praying, fellowship with other Christians and sharing our faith in Jesus Christ with others. If we continue to be nourished through these means, God, through His Spirit, will rejuvenate us and make us grow to such a level that no wind of doctrine or pressures of life would be able to move us away from Christ. Let us therefore go on to maturity, to full development and to completeness in our faith in Jesus.


Pastoral Message

Today’s teaching draws the curtain on the first part of the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. Our attention was drawn in the previous sessions to the fact that these creeds are affirmation of our faith. Even though we say it together as a Church, it begins with the first person singular, “I”This implies that each of us has a responsibility to understand what we believe and who we believe in. The attributes of God in the first part of the creeds are “the Father” “Almighty” “Creator of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible”. They summarize God as a relational Being and the all-powerful God who has the whole world in His hands. May this faith that we affirm guide our philosophy of life and influence our understanding of God so that no one will draw us away from our God.


Pastoral Message

MHB 491

Verse 1

CHRISTIAN, seek not yet repose; Cast thy dreams of ease away; Thou art in the midst of foes: Watch and pray.

Verse 2

Principalities and powers, Mustering their unseen array, Wait for thy unguarded hours: Watch and pray.

Verse 3

Gird thy heavenly armour on; Wear it ever, night and day; Ambushed lies the evil one: Watch and pray.

Verse 6

Watch, as if on that alone Hung the issue of the day: Pray, that help may be sent down: Watch and pray


Pastoral Message


What can I do in God’s Global Mission Story? This has been a bewildering question for many Christians as far as the evangelization of the world is concerned. Others, regrettably though, think God can’t use them or at worst shouldn’t use them. However, studying the Bible shows us that every Christian has the responsibility to be involved in God’s mission. Sometimes the question people ask is, “How?”

It starts with prayer, which can be done at anytime and anywhere. We can also be generous givers to those who give off their time, love, and gifts for mission service. We can be involved by ‘Going’ out to reach others with the good news. This year, as we grow into maturity, we hope members will be prepared to actively be involved in God’s Mission to the World at these 3 levels - Pray, Give & Go!

What do we seek to Achieve as a Church?

Under the auspices of the Evangelism Committee, we seek to:

  1. Encourage Members to intentionally pray for World Evangelisation.

  2. Encourage each Member to witness to at least 3 people with the hope of 1 person coming to faith in Christ

  3. Admonish 30 Members to sign-up up to join the 2023 Missions (in partnership with GHAFES and the Local Council of Churches) to Jata Akura

  4. Mobilize 50 people to join our Missions to the Prisons

  5. Raise GHS75,000 for our Missions to the Prisons and Jata Akura

  6. Raise a team to support new converts in their growth journey on to Maturity.


Pastoral Message

Have you ever asked yourself these questions: 1. “where is our God?” and 2. “Does He exist?” If you ever did, you are not alone. Sometimes the doubts come because we don’t seem to be experiencing him the way we want. But let us remember that, believing, even when we cannot see, is what we refer to as “faith”. I learnt a poem during my childhood which goes like this:

“Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I, but when the trees are bending low, the wind is passing by!”

In the same way, when we wish to see God, let us look generally and generously at the creation around us at least, and ask who created all what we see. Anytime we profess our faith in the words of the Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Creed, let us remember that we begin by affirming “I believe in God the Father….” Do you believe what you say? I pray that our faith in God will grow continually and we will through this, renew our allegiance to Him. May our knowledge of God increase and our faith be strengthened in who we believe and what we believe.


Pastoral Message

Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin; the birth of Jesus whispers “peace” within. The world continues to search for peace and most of the time, the peace that it finds does not last long. The birth of Jesus the Christ and the message of the angels, bring to the earth, Peace that surpasses all understanding. This is the peace that lasts even in the midst of chaos. In times like these, when the whole world is experiencing fluctuations in almost everything, we have to demonstrate to the world that true peace can be found only in our Saviour and Lord, Jesus the Christ. May this Christmas which is a celebration of Christ’s birth, whisper peace within every heart and see us through the days and years ahead of us. Shalom! Peace! Asomdwoe! Nutifafa! Paix! Hedjole! To whatever language group you belong, may its equivalent be yours this day and forever. May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding be yours during this season and at all times. Merry Christmas to you and your family.


Pastoral Message

Christmas cannot be celebrated without children. Without doubt, It is their season because Jesus the Christ was like them when He started life and grew to accomplish His ministry on this earth. Children therefore appreciate the birth of Jesus the more. It is heartening that the Sunday School children and their Teachers have worked so hard to celebrate this day through beautiful songs, poem recitals, and the enactment of the Nativity among others. Let me use this opportunity to congratulate and wish them all a joyous Advent season. I trust that parents and guardians will give their children a good taste of this years Christmas, despite the current economic challenges. Our prayer is that the events of today will continuously echo in the hearts of the Children so that Jesus Christ will be at the centre of their lives. Please say “thank you” to any of the Teachers that you meet today.


Pastoral Message

Christmas is a few weeks away and our attention keeps getting drawn to how we will celebrate the event. But have we also given thought to the reason for the Christmas event? The celebration of the first advent of Jesus’ coming to this world, equally reminds us that His second coming is also near. In order to save us, He came down to take upon Himself the human nature as a means towards our redemption. Jesus is our redeemer and He came to be a substitute for us so that we would be freed from the curse of sin and be enabled to live a liberated life. If the Son sets you free, as He Himself said, you are free indeed. As we celebrate this Christmas amid the current challenging economic pressures, let us remind ourselves of the fact that we are in transit on this earth and look on towards a much better place on our Saviour and Lord’s return.


Pastoral Message

With all the turmoil around us, one wonders whether there is hope for this dark world of sin. Today’s theme “Hope for the Lost World” gives us assurance that the advent of Jesus the Christ gives us hope. He became man for our sake and because He died and rose again, there is hope for the lost world. Since Christ’s birth was a threat to Satan our arch- enemy, this world, for which Jesus the Christ died, will know no peace until our Saviour and Lord returns. We who have believed, look for His Second Coming with expectant hearts and say “Maranatha” (O Lord, Come!). As we celebrate this period of Advent, let us be reminded that just as it was prophesied that He will come and He did come, so will it be of the Second Coming of Jesus the Christ. There surely is hope for this lost world.


Pastoral MessagMessage

MHB 10 VERSE 1 Now thank we all our God, With hearts, and hands, and voices; Who wondrous things hath done, In whom His world rejoices; Who, from our mothers’ arms, Hath blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love, And still is ours today.

We have every cause to agree with the hymnist Martin Rinkart. God has brought us thus far because of His abounding love and mercies. The year has been full of changing scenes of life - trouble and joy - yet we are alive and continue to see His sustaining grace. As a church, families, individuals among others, let us lift up our hearts, hands and voices in praise to our God. Let us count our blessings and name them one by one; it will surprise us, what the LORD has done. Our confidence is in the LORD who made the Heavens and the earth. He will see us through to the end of the age.


Pastoral Message

There is no doubt that “times are hard”. Almost everybody wants to see changes for the better. The internal and external forces fighting against us are many; but we must stay focused. As Christians, God has called us for a purpose and has set before us a mark that we must attain. Today’s theme urges us to press on to the end. Our Lord Jesus Christ pressed on to the end to enable us become beneficiaries of his labour. We cannot fail Him. Despite all the pressures, let us press on. We should be steadfast, immovable and always abounding in the work of the Lord. Victory is surely ours and our labour in the Lord is not in vain.


Pastoral Message

Today marks the thanksgiving celebration of the Seminary’s 80th Anniversary. On behalf of the Church Council and the Congregants, I wish to express our gratitude to God for the vision of our fore-bears. This Seminary has indeed been a wonderful place for the formation of many servants of God. We, as a Church, are happy to be a part of the Seminary’s history and to benefit from its fruits. My prayer is that the years towards the Centenary celebration of the Seminary will be more glorious and this institution shall continue to be a blessing to the Trinity United Church. To the Governing Council, Faculty (Teaching and Non-Teaching), Alumni, Students and all well-wishers, we salute you.


Pastoral Message

When the “Annual Harvest and Thanksgiving Service” as a principal activity of the Church is mentioned, it brings different meanings to different people. In some Churches, the members do not show up because they think the Church is going to collect all their monies. I believe that this mindset does not apply to us in Trinity United Church. Let me stress here, that the Annual Harvest and Thanksgiving Service is an opportunity to express our gratitude to our Maker for all His mercies, love and provisions. There is no doubt that this year has been challenging, yet our God has kept us going and enabled us to live each day at a time. Even though this occasion has biblical roots and was used to deepen the relationship between the Creator and the created, it also provided income for the service of God. May this “Thanksgiving” position us to share what we have with God and others as we give to thank Him and also provide support for the ministry of the Church.


Pastoral Message

It is wonderfully striking to learn of God’s eagerness to reach out to the dying soul. God comes down from the majesty of His heavenly abode to search for the lost. God doesn’t wait to be found; He comes looking for us. An old hymn reads: “I sought the Lord and afterwards I knew he moved my soul to seek him, seeking me. It is not that I found, oh saviour true; no, I was found by thee.” The knowledge that God is always drawing near to the lost, longing to catch their attention, must transform our thought and prayer as a church. We must actively and consciously pray for the salvation of the lost soul, and like Christ, step out, at whatever personal cost, and with great tenderness, reach for the sinner, love them and care for them and bring them to their saviour. Nothing is so frequently found to turn the heart of great sinners, as the unexpected, and undeserved tidings that Christ loves them and bore their sorrows and grief—that they may no longer be estranged from God. That they may not experience the irredeemable agonies of eternity in hell.


Pastoral Message

As a Church, we have a commitment to Missions. We have partnered directly with GILLBT and as they celebrate their 60th Anniversary, we have every cause to celebrate with them. On behalf of the Church, I congratulate GILLBT for their efforts over the years to put Bibles into the hands of people in their mother-tongues. We know that this is God’s will and that is why we are joining them to pray. Our God is a prayer-answering God, and we believe that He will hear us and take GILLBT to greater heights in the years ahead. While we pray, if any of us desires to support their work by giving, he or she is welcome. Such members can contact the TUC Office for direction. Congratulations, GILLBT.


Pastoral Message

I have oftentimes heard people make comments which erroneously appear to question Gods attributes as — a just God: Statements such as “God is not fair.” “How can God allow this to happen? etc. etc.” do exactly that. We make these comments out of sheer ignorance and frustration, forgetting that God is sovereign. It is not our utterances that will change His nature. The easiest way to appreciate how just God is, requires a deep reflection on what He does without ceasing to keep us alive fruitfully and functional. Oh yes, our God is merciful yet just; He is near us (immanent) yet everywhere (omnipresent). When we do a genuine reflection of His nature, we might come to the true conclusion that some of the upheavals often seen in life might be due to our own attitudes and behaviours. God remains a just God, yet He tampers justice with mercy. Can we blame Him for the wars, the destruction of the environment, the floods, and increase in corruption? If He is to apply His justice on us, we are all likely to be wiped off from this plant. Yes, He is just, yet merciful and gracious.


Pastoral Message

We are pressed on every side by the storms of life and its exigencies but we dare not give up. We will not because our God cares and understands all our plight. He is sovereign and we cannot understand everything He does. In times like these, ours as Christians is to give thanks to Him continuously and in everything, pray for life and for His sustaining grace. That however does not mean we will be immune to the hoard of influences around us. The challenges, like storms, will continue to come our way but because Jesus is in our life boat, we will smile at them all. So dearly beloved, take heart and be comforted for God is still on the throne and He will remember His own; His promises are forever true and He will not desert us. It is in this faith that we should at all times learn to give thanks to Him.


Pastoral Message

We live in challenging times and our faith is tossed to and fro by the wind which is blowing all around us- economic downgrading, fall in the value of the cedi, economists’ prediction of doom, politicians making all kinds of statements. In the mist of all these challenges, however, I find the Methodist hymn 427 very assuring and as we reflect on these words of the hymnist, let us rekindle our faith in God. And so, Through all the changing scenes of life, In trouble and in joy, The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. Of His deliverance I will boast, Till all that are distressed From my example comfort take, And charm their griefs to rest O magnify the LORD with me, With me exalt His name; When in distress to Him I called, He to my rescue came.


Pastoral Message

Have you ever witnessed one of these popular musicians perform, the crowd which they pull and the effect that the music has on them? Music is a powerful tool and one which draws out the emotions of its audience, including God. God inhabits in the praise of His people and we are also moved by the power of music. That is why we have singing groups in the Church to advance and enhance our worship of God. Throughout the Book of Psalms, there is emphasis on praise and prayer. This means that prayer can be offered in the form of music and God surely hears our words as we sing and responds accordingly. It is my prayer that as we join the Singing Band to celebrate their anniversary, we will offer from the depth of our hearts, a sacrifice of praise to God as they minister to us in songs for, there is power and victory in music.


Pastoral Message

In last week’s Community Life presentation, our facilitator drew attention to the fact that the word “community” thrives on two words “common” and “unity”. What we have in common, based on our collective interest, enhances life in the community. It is not enough to be Christ-like disciples and yet neglect our role in the community. The Lord Jesus has called us to grow in our fellowship with others and make an impact as Chirst’s followers. Anyone deemed a Christ-like disciple cannot live in isolation. I hope we each belong, in one way or the other, to a group in the Church. This community is important for our Christian witness. As we reflect on this year’s theme and our lives in the community, I pray that the Lord will empower us to live right in the communities we find ourselves so that all people will know that we are disciples of Christ. Remember that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.


Pastoral Message

Every Christian bears the title of a disciple. Nobody ever graduates from discipleship. A disciple is one who has come to terms with the difficulties in the Christians life but is still determined to hold fast to God through to the end. A true disciple will not abandon God for other gods or abandon God when there are challenges. That is why in the first reading, Moses was telling Israel that life and death are set before them but they should choose life. In Deut. 30:20, the disciple must love the Lord God. Obey His voice and hold fast to Him. Because God is our very life and length of days. Today, we are being encouraged to be committed in our walk with God and never switch our allegiance from him no matter what comes our ways.


Pastoral Message

There have been situations where some individuals have been ushered up from the ordinary place deservedly to a place of honor at the “high table” in the presence of all. Similarly, there were other situations where some were also ushered down from the “high table” to seat among the ordinary, because the previous place was not reserved for them. This is what the first reading seeks to show us, and our Lord did allude to it in Luke 14:7-9. It was all about humility. Humility is noted as one of the essential marks in Christian maturity. The deeper one gains root in Christ, the more humble he/she should become. There is a saying that “the higher the bamboo rose, the lower it bent”. One’s spirituality is evidenced by their deep humility, especially, to serve others. Jesus is our greatest example in the display of humility. John 13 shows the Saviour washing the feet of His disciples. He told them, I have given you an example to follow, do as I have done to you. (vrs 15). Remember, God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). With humility, your youthfulness will last longer by the grace which God showers on you. May we be empowered to be humble continuously. Amen!


Pastoral Message

The prayer of Jabez is one of the most popular prayers in the scriptures and one of the most prayed by Christians. Although the name Jabez which means pain, was not changed, his situation was altered for good because God answered him. Today, God continues to answer the prayers of His children who call upon Him in faith since He cannot go against His own word like in Hebrew 11:6, which says “without faith no one can please God”. Let us, like Jabez, cry out to God in our economic predicament as a nation, as a family and as individuals and He will surely answer. There is no situation that God cannot change for He is still the same yesterday, today and forevermore (Hebrews 13:8). I will therefore, urge you to make the prayer of Jabez part of your daily confession; mix the words in the prayer with faith (Heb. 4:2) and the Lord will answer you out of His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Amen.


Pastoral Message

There are many Christians who seem completely ignorant or are simply pretending to be ignorant of the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Daily, and all around us though, we see and hear of many frightening occurrences being the herald of the event and complain but we appear to forget that the Bible has already predicted some of these terrible forerunners in its pages. It takes one who is alert of what the Bible has said to discern the times and to take appropriate steps to live right. The days are evil and will continue to be unpleasant but our faith is in the fact that, our God holds the future and will make life worth the living. With all the wars, famines, economic instability, stress, name it, taking place in our times, let us ask the Lord for wisdom so that we are not overtaken by surprises. As it was in the days of Noah, when people ate, drank, married and were married, and then the floods came, so shall it be in the Lord’s second coming. So watch and know the times.


Pastoral Message

God has been so good to us and we can recall the multitude of His grace and mercies that has brought us thus far. Indeed our God reigns and will not change. Praise be to His name forever and ever. An opportunity has been created for us to express our gratitude to Him by joining the Youth to give thanks to God with grateful hearts. As we bring in our offerings of praise, it is proper that we join the farmer in the words of Methodist Hymn 963 to celebrate His goodness: We plough the fields, and scatter, The good seed on the land, But it is fed and watered, By God’s Almighty hand; He sends the snow in winter, The warmth to swell the grain, The breezes, and the sunshine, And soft refreshing rain. All good gifts around us, Are sent from heaven above; Then thank the LORD, O thank the LORD, For all his love. He only is the Master Of all things near and far; He paints the wayside flower, He lights the evening star; The winds and waves obey Him, By Him the birds are fed; Much more to us, His children, He gives our daily bread.


Pastoral Message

Christian, seek not yet repose; Cast thy dreams of ease away; Thou art in the midst of foes: Watch and pray. Principalities and powers, Mustering their unseen array, Wait for thy unguarded hours: Watch and pray. Gird thy heavenly armour on; Wear it ever, night and day; Ambushed lies the evil one: Watch and pray. Hear the victors who overcame; Still they mark each warrior’s way; All with one sweet voice exclaim, Watch and pray. Hear, above all, hear thy LORD, Him thou lovest to obey; Hide within thy heart His word: Watch and pray. Watch, as if on that alone Hung the issue of the day: Pray, that help may be sent down:


Pastoral Message

From the teachings this month on the theme “RAISING CHRIST-LIKE DISCIPLES”, our attention has been drawn to the fact that when we accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord, we also become enemies of Satan and his agents. They do everything to sabotage us and to depopulate God’s camp. Oftentimes, we underestimate the forces that war against us. Today, we will listen to the testimony of a Christian who came out of the kingdom of darkness and gave his life to Jesus Christ. The goal here is to help us to watch and pray so that we do not fall prey to the tricks of Satan and his agents. We must surely remain in Christ because the world does not love us and staying outside of Christ should therefore not be the choice. When we are made aware of the forces that war against us, then we will not rest; CHRISTIAN, seek not yet repose; Cast thy dreams of ease away; Thou art in the midst of foes: Watch and pray (MH 491).


Pastoral Message

Growth is a fundamental and crucial part of life and any organism which does not grow therefore fizzles out eventually. So is the Christian life. We are expected to develop and show maturity and this must be visible to us as well as those around us. Each growing Christian is expected to manifest a lifestyle that testifies of God’s transforming power. Our goal in growth is to become Christ-like and to be able to say with Paul. “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me. The life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Gal. 2:20). As we grow in years, may we also have a testimony that we are also growing spiritually and becoming more and more like our Master, Jesus Christ.


Pastoral Message

One of the questions assumed easy and does not require looking far for an answer is, “Who is my neighbour?” Sometimes our neighbours are so close to us that we rarely recognize them. Throughout our Bible Studies last year and this, we have highlighted clearly who our neighbour is. The parable of the Good Samaritan was told by Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord, to open the eyes of His audience on how we can easily be blinded by our biases and neglect our neighbours who are actually close and may be in need. We are to note that anybody or anything outside of us is deemed our neighbour, and it is so essential in life, to look out for such needy neighbours we see around us and help them out to live. As we celebrate the inauguration of our new neighbour, collectively named the Mid-Adults Group whose membership begins from ages 45 to 55 years, let us all, like the Good Samaritan help it to survive to prove that in the Lord’s house, everyone matters to the glory of God.


Pastoral Message

This month brings us into another phase of our theme for the year: “Raising Christ-like disciples”. I expect that by now, most of us are clear in our minds on who a Christ-like disciple is and the growth process. This month, we will be looking intensely at the nature of the warfare which we constantly face all because we want to follow Jesus. There are the physical battles, as well as the spiritual and psychological battles all waiting to be fought, among others. The Apostle Paul has made it clear that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. Satan is never happy that his camp is being depopulated and will do everything to sabotage us. We must therefore not be ignorant about the schemes he uses. We have to watch and pray ceaselessly otherwise, we cannot reach our goal. May the teachings we receive help us to position ourselves “bravely” and fight diligently from the side of victory in Jesus’ name, for in Jesus, we know no defeat.


Pastoral Message

On behalf of the Church Council, I wish to express our sincere gratitude to you all for your cooperation and active involvement in bringing the Church’s religious year this far. Our theme for the year, RAISING CHRIST-LIKE DISCIPLES, has sought to inform us about what it means and takes to be a Christ-like disciple. It is our individual responsibility to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. The Council has also been able to report on our finances and we are grateful to you all for your generosity and obedience to the biblical mandate as Christ’s disciples. We therefore have cause to praise our Maker and to testify that indeed He has been good to us. We have tasted of Him and I am sure we are convinced in our hearts that God is good all the time and all the time, God is good. As we join our hearts together in singing praises to our God, it is my belief that it will ascend to the Lord as a living fragrance so that in His response to us, we also shall be filled more and more of His goodness in the coming days and years. Oh. Taste and see that the LORD is good!


Pastoral Message

Freedom is one of the essential commodities of life, yet it is sometimes given little value by its beneficiaries. There are people who live in the midst of abundance but yet are not free. Why? Because they have no inner peace and always face each day with uncertainty. This is not so for those who have been set free by Jesus the Christ from the clutches of sin — sins by virtue of our human birth and sins that we commit. Today’s theme: “Christ shall set us free” is something that can be testified of by every person who has indeed been set free. So I ask you, “Are you free? Has Christ set you free?”. If Christ has set you free, then you are free indeed. Let us not allow the things of this world to frighten us. Instead, let us assure our soul of this freedom that Christ has given us. However, if we are not sure that we have freedom in Christ, let us tell Him and He will indeed set us free.


Pastoral Message

Last week was Pentecost Sunday and it served as a reminder to the Body of Christ that the Holy Spirit is alive, quickening the Church to accomplish God’s mission on earth. Today, we celebrate Trinity Sunday and it is meant to bring to remembrance our belief in the One God in Three Persons. One God in terms of “gender” and also Three Persons in terms of economy. The essence of this doctrine of Trinity is to affirm that we believe in One God and not Three. The Father is separate from the Son and so is the Holy Spirit; yet they carry in nature the Godhead. As we discuss some of the attributes of God, today, let the mind of unity grip us and enable us to worship God in unity but with diversity.


Pastoral Message

The past month of May has indeed brought to our knowledge what God is doing through men and women to fulfill the Great Commission. On behalf of the Council, I wish to express our gratitude to you all for your generosity in giving to support God’s work outside of TUC. Jesus said the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few so we should pray the Lord of the harvest to send in workers into the field. That is why today’s Prayer Service will focus on Missions as part of our celebration of the Day of Pentecost. May our prayers bring empowerment to all who are at the forefront of missions. Let us make it our desire to spend at least a few minutes in a day of the week to pray for those we have heard so far who are in the mission field. God will surely hear our prayer.


Pastoral Message

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…(Matt. 28:18-19). This is the mandate that propels missions and we are grateful to God for the exposure given us as a Church during the past weeks. It is obvious from the presentations that the fields are white and harvest is waiting. Today, we conclude with a presentation by the Christian Service University College, Kumasi. This is an institution of higher learning that stepped in to train Christians who felt called to Christian missions in the 1970s but could not get into the Seminaries then due to limited intake. Many prominent Christian leaders in Ghana and overseas were equipped for Christian Service through the efforts of the Christians who believed in missions and therefore established this institution. There is no doubt that the indigenous people, including you and me, have played key roles to bring Christianity in Ghana to where it is. Let us keep the flame burning during our generation by supporting God’s work.


Pastoral Message

On the Day of Pentecost, the disciples were all filled with the Holy Spirit while in the Upper Room and they spoke in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. The testimony of those who came from other nations and were present was that each one of them heard them speak in his or her own language (Acts 2:5-6). It is for this reason that much effort is being made to translate the Bible into the various mother tongues universally. Anyii is one of such projects that has been initiated by an indigenous person in Ghana. Today, we would know more about this project and the efforts made so far at putting the Bible in the Anyii dialect into the hands of the people. It is my prayer that all these pieces of information will enable us pray intelligibly and diligently for Missions in Ghana, Africa and other parts of the world. This is one way of getting involved in missions.


Pastoral Message

Today is Bible Sunday and it is celebrated to draw the attention of Christians to the relevance of the Bible to matters of life and conduct. This year, the focus is on “the Bible and Integrity”. The world and its norms are pushing hard against the kingdom values that the Bible upholds. As Christians, we are called upon to reflect Christ in Society and to live above reproach so that we can overcome the darkness that has engulfed the world. This year’s theme is calling on all of us to go back to the Bible and identify the values that it teaches, which includes integrity and manifest it. I am convinced that if about 25% of all who profess faith in God rise up in our nation and live as people of integrity, things will change for the better in Ghana. Let us be counted among that number to bring about change.


Pastoral Message

The parable of Jesus in Luke 14:25-33 states unequivocably that the one most important step in the discipleship venture is counting the cost. Every good thing has a cost component and so is discipleship because it is a lifelong venture with benefits both for now and in the future. God’s love for man caused Him to give us His only begotten son so that all who believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Assessment of one’s life in the light of God’s Supreme love helps us to encounter Him and to respond to this love more appropriately. If it cost God so much for the purpose of our salvation and reconciliation, then we must count the cost and make the resolution of not turning back in our Christian journey. On our own, we would fail and since we can do all things only through Christ who strengthens us, it is my prayer that we would pause and count the cost. It will be more than we can bear but responding to God’s love by faith will surely enable us to finish the race in Jesus’ name. He who puts his/her hands to the plough and turns back is not fit for the Kingdom.


Pastoral Message

“Called to be a prophet?” One might ask, Yes God has called us to proclaim His message to all people. Every person on this earth needs guidance and one duty of the prophet is to serve as a vigilane and caution those who are going wayward and encourage those who are doing their best to make it. We are each accountable to God and the words we speak, the signals we use to communicate and how we reach out to others must make an impact for the better on others. Whatever God has gifted us with must be used to His glory. We should not let fear cripple us, we must be bold yet communicate ini a way that would make others love to hear us. May the Lord open our eyes to see those around us who need a prophet to speak into their lives so that we can be a blessing to them.


Pastoral Message

Our theme for reflection this year is RAISING CHRIST-LIKE DISCIPLES (Col. 1:28). Last week our attention was drawn to the fact that becoming a Christ-like disciple begins with obedience to Jesus’s call: “Come and follow me…”. It is when we respond to the call and follow Him that He makes us fishers for other people. This step is important, otherwise our participation in the Church is without recognition by our Lord and master Jesus the Christ. It is should be stressed however that merely coming to Him is not enough; we have to commit ourselves to follow the master and grow to reflect Him as Christians. One might ask, “How can I build on this step and grow?” The answer to this shall be the focus of today’s discussions. Blessed are those who hear and do it.


Pastoral Message

At the beginning of His ministry, the Lord Jesus gave an invitation to people to follow Him, “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men”, He said. As a matter of fact,

  • the greatest thing any person can ever become is a Christ-like person!!!
  • the most important thing to do is to become a disciple of Jesus Christ.
  • the best decision anyone can ever make at any point in life, whoever they may be and in whatever circumstance, is to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ!

Today, we begin our “Disciple-Making” journey and studies and pray, that we will have more insights into what it means to be a Christ-like disciple.


Pastoral Message

Today, we celebrate our covenant relationship with God and remind ourselves of its implications with that of our neigbours. The concept was conceived by John Wesley for the Methodist society based on the Old Testament. Today, many churches have adopted it for celebration during the early part of each year. The Israelites were continually reminded by their leaders and the Prophets of the sacred nature of the relationship they shared with the LORD for which reason they couldn’t live anyhow like the other nations. Similarly, when we celebrate the Covenant Service, we seek to remind ourselves that we are not expected to live anyhow since we are in a covenant relationship with Him. We have to examine our way of life and see if there be any wicked ways in us and if there are any broken walls, and amend them. May the Lord use this service to break us up, melt us, remould us and fill us with His Spirit so that we can live right and love God as well as our neighbors while we are yet alive. Christ in you the hope of glory.


Pastoral Message

How did you grow in the past year? Did you conform to the way Christ Jesus grew while on earth? The Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ mandates us to make disciples of all nations that include you and I. As the Second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ draws closer, it is important for us to examine our stand in Christ and to know whether we are becoming Christ-like disciples or we are using our own parameters to assess ourselves. It is for this reason that we are focusing on the theme RAISING CHRIST-LIKE DISCIPLES for the year as part of our overall theme of rebuilding our broken walls. The activities in the year are all geared towards making us arrive at this goal. I pray that while we play our part as leaders of the Church by nurturing you, you will also work out your salvation with reverence for Christ and His Kingdom. Please plan to grow in all dimensions of life so in the years ahead so that the Lord will find each one of us as Christ-like disciples. Happy New Year to you. Shalom.


Pastoral Message

“Growing old! Growing old! I wish I’d never grow old.” This is recalling a stanza from an old popular song. As we all know, growth is accompanied with ageing. It is how we age that should occupy us and not the fear of growing old. The young shall grow old and therefore, we must all join our hearts with the Psalmist to pray the Lord to teach us to count our days so that we may gain a wise heart (Ps. 90:12). As we celebrate our Senior Citizens, let us also be reminded of the fact of ageing and age gracefully. We salute our Senior Citizens for all their labours under this sun. It is our prayer that the days ahead would be more glorious than the former.


I am not sure whether this Christmas has been any different from previous ones that you have celebrated. Even though the ages of Christmas keep changing the message of Christmas has been the same; its relevance has not changed. It reminds us that the Messiah about whom prophets of old spoke, came in the person of Jesus the Son of Mary. He was born in a manger and every prophecy concerning Him was fulfilled. He has come as the Prince of Peace to reconcile us to the Father and to our neighbours. God no more counts our sins against us and He welcomes us home to enjoy fellowship with Him. May this Christmas bring peace into our homes and to relationships outside our homes. It should focus on peace on earth and goodwill to all our neighbours. Let us however be reminded that Jesus the Christ will come again just as He has promised. So let us enjoy the first Advent (Christmas) and look forward to the Second coming.


Pastoral Message

Today, we join our children and grandchildren to have a foretaste of Christmas and to see them act the Nativity drama. This is to help them organize their thoughts on the essence of Christmas. As we watch them perform, we should be thankful to God for these fruits of our womb. These children could have gone wayward but they have chosen to stay in the Church and to be nurtured in the Christian faith. While commending the children for their display of skills and knowledge, it is also important for us to applaud the efforts of their teachers.

I suggest that individual families take steps to appreciate these teachers and their assistants. On behalf of the Council, I say “kudos” to the children and their teachers. It is my prayer that they will always remember these recitals and grow to appreciate them.


Pastoral Message

As the year draws to a close there are many thoughts that are running through the minds of many of us. Some are wandering how they will celebrate the festivities; others are not happy that some of their plans for the year had not materialized. In all these, the scriptures exhort us not to be anxious about anything. Instead we should rejoice in the Lord because He is the God of the impossible. He moves in mysterious ways and besides, being anxious, we are reminded, will not add a lifespan to our years. Therefore in times like these, the Apostle Paul exhorts us to look up to God and rejoice in Him. There surely is hope and what we need to make us rejoice is our faith in the Lord. So rejoice in the Lord my brother, my sister rejoice.


Pastoral Message

Have you ever given thought to how you became a Christian and why the Christmas occurrences are relevant to your salvation? We have been saved by the grace of God and therefore have nothing to boast of except what we have in Christ Jesus. That is why we should rejoice in our salvation, knowing how costly it was and how it resulted in Jesus being born in a manger and finally shedding His blood. He will come again as He promised to take His own to Himself so that all who believe and can rejoice in their salvation shall be where He is. This is the assurance that we have; so let us rejoice in our salvation and look forward to His second coming. The count is getting lower every day.


Pastoral Message

Advent is with us once again to remind us that if the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ was prophesied long before His birth (First Advent), then the Second Coming is sure to take place. As part of our preparation, we want to spend today in prayer with the intent of putting our hearts in order. In some countries, Advent marks the beginning of shopping for Christmas and all efforts are made to celebrate the occasion with great joy. For us too, the bells at Trinity will soon begin belling with beautiful carols, etc to usher us into the Christmas season, with many changes to show. As with these physical changes, we too require change. We should therefore, pray that the Lord will help us change spiritually for the better so that when the roll is called up yonder, we shall be there.


Pastoral Message

We have all been looking out for signs or indicators that Christmas is around the corner. The Christmas season is marked by Advent and this will be celebrated soon. The first coming of Jesus Christ reminds us of the Second Coming. The question is “Are you ready for Christ’s Second Coming?” Faithfulness to the end is key to our Christian journey and the theme for today is to help us assess our commitment to Christ and to establish our readiness for the Lord’s Second Coming. It is one thing starting the journey and another arriving at the destination. Let us therefore, not abandon the journey midway; let us press on to the end. The Lord is there to help us so let us be encouraged and hold on to His word.


Pastoral Message

Some years ago, one of the common inscriptions to be seen on posters had the caption “Jesus is Coming Soon”. These days, such posters have become rare. Notwithstanding this however, the signs of the times currently speak so loudly and is openly indicative of the possibility of the warning which the posters so innocently announce, therefore, we should not downplay the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are urged by the Bible to know the signs of the End time because our Lord said He will come unexpectedly as a thief does. Let us therefore, watch and live in readiness so that when He appears, we will not be found wanting. The world has become so distractively busy and can easily make us forget why we are in this world but not of it. We are strangers so let us be reminded by today’s theme, to know the times and be wise.


Pastoral Message

What shall I render to my God

for all His mercies store?

I’ll take the gifts He hath bestowed

and humbly ask for more.

(Methodist hymn 339; stanza 1)

Indeed, each of us has cause to give thanks to God with a grateful heart because He has been gracious in giving us His only begotten Son. So we are saved! Our duty therefore, is to give back to God out of all that we have and are. This must be done in love because God gave to us out of love. May this privilege of giving to God cause us to give willingly for God loves a cheerful giver.


Pastoral Message

For the past two months, various ethnic groups in Ghana have been celebrating festivals to give thanks to God and the gods for another year in their calendar and to purify themselves and the stools. We also have cause to thank God for bringing us this far in the year. Indeed, the Lord has been good to us; despite the challenging times, we have survived and have hope of a bright future. As we bring our sacrifice of praise to God, may we be empowered to bring our substance to Him next week as a demonstration of our appreciation to Him. Praise the Lord. Let everything that has breath praise His holy name. He will surely receive our praise and offering as living sacrifice and bless us.


Pastoral Message

Today, we welcome into office a new Council for this Church. We salute the outgoing Council members for all their inputs which has brought the Church thus far, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is our prayer that they will continue to avail themselves to God at all times keeping in mind, the adage that “once a leader, always a leader”. As the new Council is inducted into office, it is necessary to be reminded that, servant leadership is the model that our Lord and Master Jesus Christ left for us to emulate. At all times, we should pray to the Lord who has called us to increase in our lives so that, the “self” will decrease. We serve God through the service we render to His people. Let us, as Church members also remember them in our prayers and cooperate with their leadership at all levels to move the Church forward.


Pastoral Message

During the celebration of YAF’s Tenth Anniversary, we were reminded that each one of us has a contribution to make towards rebuilding of the Church. Today’s theme builds on that and urges us to offer this service in a selfless way. We should give our all in service to God because He first loved us and gave His begotten Son to us. The joy of working or giving to God should stem from this act of God so that we can also serve without seeking recognition. God knows our labour for Him and will reward us accordingly. Let us, therefore, be selfless in our service to God and humankind.


Pastoral Message

Today, history is being written as we celebrate the 10th Anniversary with members of the Young Adults’ Fellowship. It is a great joy to see how this group has been able to sustain her members over the years. The theme for the celebration; “My Church, my contribution” is appropriate. I hope that this theme will energize the new YAF members as well as the graduates to keep the flame on and be aglow for Jesus. The Church needs every individual since each one of us has a contribution to make. Congratulations to the pioneers, the Church Council then as well as the members and leaders of YAF. Keep flying high. Happy Anniversary.


Pastoral Message

One of the key teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ was on the Kingdom of God. He used many parables to describe this kingdom and showed that the kingdom of God is now with us. It represents wherever God reigns; therefore, anyone who receives the kingdom of God, becomes a child of God and represents the kingdom as a heir. From your personal reflection on your identity, do you think that you are a child of the Kingdom? Do you hold a citizenship identity? If you do, then let everyone see that you are a child of God. If you are not sure, there is hope; you can receive the kingdom of God and also become a heir by accepting Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord today.


Pastoral Message

Today’s worship is a Prayer Service. We want to call upon the name of the LORD based on His word.

The LORD appeared to Solomon at night and said: “I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for myself as a temple for sacrifices. “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. 2 Chronicles 7:12-16.

This is the basis for our prayer and we are confident that He will hear us. Believe and know that Prayer is the key of heaven and faith unlocks the door.


Pastoral Message

Indeed Jesus was right when He said there are some sheep outside the fence and they must be assisted to enter. Last week’s teachings on Islam and Christianity made it clear that the Muslims are our neighbours even though there are some areas of divergence in what we believe and what they do. That does not stop us from loving them as our neighbours. We should use the love that God has loved us with, to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them. Today’s teachings will focus on Rastafarianism and it is my prayer that our eyes will be opened the more through this exposure


***Pastoral Message

Jesus made a statement in John 10:16 “And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also and they will listen to my voice.” This is an indication that some of our neighbours are outside the fence and the Lord Jesus has not forgotten them. But we cannot reach out to these neighbours when we do not know who they believe in, what they believe and how we should relate to them. In the next two Sundays, we will therefore, be focusing on some of these neighbours in the other faiths. It is my prayer that such insights will position us to love God and also love our neighbours, including those of other faiths. Through this, we would be able to bring them into the fold.


Pastoral Message

An old preacher used to say, “There are two parts to the gospel. The first part is believing it, and the second part is behaving it.” The hearer only is the one who is satisfied with just believing without behaving. That is what James describes as dead faith (James 2:17). Dare to act on your faith. That is the currency of receiving from God. Remember, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” (Heb. 11:6). Be encouraged by Mark 7:24-37. In this episode, a Greek woman who supposedly does not deserve to receive from Jesus received deliverance for her child afflicted by a demon. Her faith will not let Jesus go without receiving her answer. Are there any areas of demonic afflictions in your life? Turn in faith towards Jesus and claim deliverance in His name. Remain whole from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. Amen.


Pastoral Message

Today’s address is the last of the series in the second part of the theme chosen for the year: Loving God and loving my neighbour. Do you know that the one who sits next to you, in front of you and behind you in Church are all your neighbours? Are we aware that some are Ghanaians while others may come from other parts of the world? How do they find our fellowship with God, and with those who are our neighbours? Are they able to agree with the Psalmist who said ‘I was glad when they said unto me, let us go to the house of the Lord’? These are questions for our respective reflection. We are all children of God and our love for God must reflect towards others so they will feel that they belong. May the Lord continue to speak to us in today’s worship so that anytime we enter and leave the Church, we will know that we met another group of our neighbours who deserve to receive God’s love through us.


Pastoral Message

Have you gone through the confirmation rite in a Church before and do you remember the vows you said? If no, I urge you to listen attentively to what our friends or children will be reciting and remind yourself of what you said. If you were baptized as an adult and did not go through any confirmation, I ask you to use this ceremony to remind yourself of the covenant relationship we have with our Lord and God. A number of those who pledged to God some time past that they will not forsake Him have deserted the faith, after having tasted of Christianity. The Lord is asking us whether we also will go. Brethren, the world might have something for us but the end is destruction and eternal death. It is my prayer therefore, that we will renew our allegiance to our Maker and affirm to Him that whether we live or die, we are His. He will surely not forsake us. So let us press on and not join those who have backslided from the faith. Our Redeemer reigns. Halleluyah. Say to the Lord today, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You alone have life.”


Pastoral Message

Today’s Service gives us another opportunity to call on the name of the LORD as a corporate body. The prophet Jeremiah exhorted the Israelites to seek the welfare of the city and pray to the LORD on its behalf for “in its welfare you will find your welfare” (JER. 29:7, ESV). My brothers and sisters in Christ, we have to pray without ceasing for our Church and nation. Many of our people are using lawful means to seek the welfare of the land, forgetting that the law has its own shortcomings. If we cease to pray for the land and the leaders, we must not be surprised to see a collapse of the systems. Let us pray, giving the LORD no rest until our nation’s systems and structures become beneficial to our welfare. As we pray, let us expect God to answer and like Nehemiah, position ourselves to be used in the reconstruction.


Pastoral Message

Are you one of those who partake in the Holy Communion? If yes, why do you participate in the sacrament? If no, why have you been staying away from such an important ritual? Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the night when He was betrayed, initiated this sacrament and commanded all His disciples to observe it until He comes again. This is a sacred act that should be observed with purpose. The Apostle Paul cautions that whoever eats the bread or drinks of the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord (I Cor. 11:27). This does not mean we should come to the Lord’s Table with fear; rather we should come with gladness and reverence: We should remember the essence of the Lord’s Supper by examining our lives and where we fall short, ask the Lord for forgiveness and strength to live for Him.


Pastoral Message

Today, we celebrate another day of giving to support God’s work – the Youth Harvest. It is the second of the Harvests lined up for the year. Let me use this opportunity to congratulate each one of us for our generosity in giving to rebuild the Lord’s premises. The monies raised so far has gone a long way to almost complete the Youth Centre. The Church Council looks forward to relocating the Junior Youth there, for their Sunday Services and also provide facilities for all the groups to use as and when they are needed. The theme adopted as a motivation for us to give and more, during this year’s Harvest is LOVING GOD AND LOVING MY NEIGHBOUR: GREATER LOVE. Our love for God motivates us to do several things in life; it moves us to love our neighbours and also seek their welfare. Whether we are young or old, we have a commitment to each other and this is what should bind us in a Church such as Trinity United. We are the body of Christ and when one part rejoices, the whole body does so. Let us all join the Youth to raise funds to furnish the building to its maximum best so that the building can be put to use as soon as possible. So let the greater love of God which moved Him to give us His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ, motivate us also to give of our best to Him and His Church, for there is much blessing in doing this.


Pastoral Message

When I was growing up, there was a popular song in which the musician used to wonder why his mother put his father’s food in a big bowl while his was always in a small one. When he grew up, he came to realize that his father had a big share because it kept him busy while strategizing or reflecting on how to keep the home going. On the occasion of the Men’s Fellowship 40th Anniversary, I congratulate all Men in the Church and especially the Fellowship for coming this far. I am aware that they have been meticulous in their responsibilities and activities, and I commend them for it. My prayer is that, this anniversary will serve as a reminder to all men in the Church to rise up to our responsibilities everywhere, especially in the home so that we can help raise up homes where peace is the fragrance. This, I hope, will stabilize our society beginning with the families. Rise up oh men of God. May the good Lord bless the Men’s Fellowship to achieve their goals and to draw more men into the Fellowship.


Pastoral Message

Have you ever been to a shop to make some purchases only to meet a sales person with an unfriendly face? Or you met a customer who is simply difficult to handle? These are situations we meet in our everyday life situation and very often we fail to take note of the fact that these customers or sales persons need to experience the love of God through us. The theme under consideration requires that our love for God reflects towards such neighbours. Due to the frustrations we see on people’s faces, many of us retaliate and some of us sadly, have lost customers as a result of our attitude towards them. Beloved, let us love, for love is of God. In God alone has love its true abode. Remember that your customer or client is also your neighbour who must receive God’s love through you. Similarly when you have a need to be met, you become a customer to someone and must relate with those who can help meet such need. In the same way, we must treat our customers with the love of God.


Pastoral Message

Under the year’s theme: “Loving God and our neighbours,” we are today throwing the light on our duty as citizens of this nation respectfully requested to pay our taxes. This is a Christian duty without any excuse. Romans 13:6-7 exhorts us to pay to all, what is due them - taxes to whom taxes are due. Very often, we hear complaints of underdevelopment in the nation and many citizens crying for development. Where does the money for such activities come from? It is our taxes that strengthen the hands of the government to undertake such developmental works. Ours is to pay the taxes as citizens and have a clear conscience that we are fulfilling our Christian duty. The Scriptures command us to be subjected to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God (Rom. 13:1) and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God. Paying our taxes undoubtedly shows our sincere love, for our nation, and is demonstrative too of our love for God and also our neighbours


Pastoral Message

This month, we will be throwing more light on another part of our theme for the year: Loving God and our neighbours. The emphasis is on “our neighbours” under which, topics to be treated, will focus on the environment, the government, and customer relations. Our love for God is expected to reach out to our neighbours since our love for them makes life more comfortable for us as well. Today, our focus is on the environment. Simply put, the environment is anything outside of us, the natural world and also that which affects human activity. God created the environment for our benefit and gave us dominion over it, to take care of and depend on it. Neglecting the environment is disobedience to God and this has consequences for us. Let us therefore be sensitive to the world around us, for we are to love God and also love our neighbours.


Pastoral Message

Death is a topic whose discussion does not easily attract audience, even though we all know that death is inevitable and anyone born of a man and woman is bound to die. The good news about today’s theme is that Christ Jesus has conquered death by dying on the Cross. He suffered this fate for our sake. The writer of Hebrews gives us a reason for this: He states that “Because God’s children are human beings made of flesh and blood, Jesus also became flesh and blood by being born in human form. For only as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he break the power of the Devil, who had the power of death. Only in this way could he deliver those who have lived all their lives as slaves to the fear of dying (Heb. 2:14-15)”. Therefore beloved, fear not, for Jesus has conquered death and if only we believe, we will not perish but have everlasting life. Do you believe this?


Pastoral Message

For those of us who live close to the coast and might have observed the storm, we would appreciate what it would take to calm such a storm. The present economic hardship and the stress that has accompanied it feels like sailing on a storm. Almost everybody is complaining and some people are even capitalizing on the situation to stir the waters so that life will be unbearable for us. The good news is that our Saviour Jesus Christ is Lord over the storm. He has the whole world in His hands and is able to sleep in a boat that is sailing amid the storm. His message to us in the midst of the storm around us is “FEAR NOT, I AM LORD OVER THE STORM.” Therefore let us be still and know that He is Lord.


Pastoral Message

The Bible exhorts us to pray without ceasing and in times like these, when tension seems to be mounting all around us, it is necessary that we pray ceaselessly. Our nation is still in transition, yet to recover fully from the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moving forward, we as a Church are also preparing excitedly for the election of our new Council members. I am sure that as an individual, you too may have some pressing needs which you will want to talk to God about. This is why today’s Prayer Service, with all its importance, has brought us together to pour our hearts out to God who answers prayer. Let us therefore pray as if everything depends on us and God will surely answer our prayers.


Pastoral Message

The world we live in is so noisy that often, the word of God or His voice is not heard clearly. As a result, many people are wallowing in the darkness.

God speaks daily to us in living echoes of His tone; ours is to be like Samuel by responding. If we hear a voice and we are not sure, we can ask the Lord, through His servants for clarity. There are many “Elis” around us who can guide us to know God’s will for our lives. Obedience to God’s word enables us to experience His power in our lives. Therefore let us hear the voice of the Lord and respond. It will be for our own good.


Pastoral Message

Today, we will have the last presentation for this Mission Awareness month from Christian Organizations. I have come to the conclusion that indeed there are many individuals and groups who are doing their best to propagate the Gospel using various methods as the Lord so leads them. We as a Church have an obligation to be involved either directly or indirectly in this mission of God. Our prayers, donations, words of encouragement and personal involvement will go a long way to empower our brothers and sisters who are at the front line to do exploits for God. Listening to these presentations has made it clear that the fields are still white and the harvest is waiting. Let us therefore, use this opportunity to give bountifully to support God’s work and our names will surely be remembered by God who calls and sends. While we are supporting a good cause, let us also remember that there are people who are close to us but who might not have yet heard of the Gospel, and require to be told of the love of Jesus as He continuously wrestles to reconcile us to the Father. Heaven rejoices over one sinner who repents and we should cause this to happen by snatching the lost people for Christ. The opportunity to do this is with us now.


Pastoral Message

Recently a picture was posted to my platform which summarized missions. It showed how a missionary who sought to save a drowning sheep was held to safety by the Church. It implied that missionaries without the Church are bound to fail; this is because the missionaries must be sent by the Church and when the souls are won, they must be nurtured by the Church. The Apostle Paul and his team were sent on the various missionary journeys by the Church in Antioch of Pisidia and when they had challenges, they reported to the pioneer Church in Jerusalem: that is the expected model of missionary work and we, as individuals or a Church, have a role to play in sustaining the work of the missionaries. This might be an opportunity for you and so let us grasp it for we have no excuse.


Pastoral Message

One of the major news highlights in the media lately, has been the Church of Pentecost’s donation of a completed and well furnished prison complex made to the Government. As expected, there has been several comments, some of which are without doubt, due to ignorance. For any Church that is mission-oriented as the Church of Pentecost however, it must be commended highly for wisely investing into the rehabilitation of these brothers and sisters who may find themselves in the prison. Strategically, as might be interpreted, the Church of Pentecost is positioning itself to win the inmates for Christ. I am sure that any inmate male or female who worships in this well furnished chapel and uses the facilities in the prison will be more than willing to listen to the good news that the Church may bring from time to time. This is one way of helping to fulfill the Great Commission. There are other means by which other groups are helping to win souls for Christ. It is my prayer that as individuals, groups or Congregation, we will all support such worthy steps as we listen to the Literacy and Evangelism Ghana share with us.


Pastoral Message

In last week’s presentation, we were made aware that Mission is of God. It is He who sends. A Missiologist, Christopher J. H. Wright has defined Mission as “our committed participation as God’s people, at God’s invitation and command, in God’s own mission within the history of the world for the redemption of God’s creation. This mission of God is undertaken by individuals or corporate bodies who are called into various areas of ministry. During this month, the Lord through these groups will help us see the varieties in missions. This should challenge you and me, as members of the body of Christ, to identify with the Great Commission and share the Good News with someone either directly or indirectly. The fields are white, and the harvest is waiting; who will bear the sheaves away? Can you get involved today? Yes, you can.


Pastoral Message

This month of May has been set aside to broaden our knowledge on what God is doing through other groups outside the Church. Commonly referred to as Para-Church groups, they fulfil the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20 – a mandate given to the Church by Our Saviour and Lord, Jesus the Christ. It is every Christian’s responsibility to help in this mission of God either directly or indirectly. That is why we are celebrating God’s goodness through the activities of these selected Para-church groups. Each week, a group will highlight its activities to us and my prayer is that the Lord shall burden our hearts to pray and possibly give directly or indirectly to support these groups. May the good Lord open our eyes to see what He is doing.


Pastoral Message

Today marks the Children’s Harvest, an opportunity given to our children in this Church to be involved in raising funds to support the Church’s projects. Considering the wonderful performances put up by the children last week and what we are expecting at today’s Harvest, it is obvious that this Church has a bright future. The theme for our reflection is “The Good Shepherd” and among the characteristics that Jesus described of such person is the ability to know the sheep and vice versa. Our role as parents, guardians and as a Church is to draw our children closer to us so that they do not fall prey to the numerous attractions that surround us. It is my prayer that through such programmes, the children will know what it takes and what it means to give what they have to support God’s work and to offer themselves as living sacrifices to God. Our God is faithful and will do far more than we can to bring up these children to His glory.


Pastoral Message

One activity that is significant on the calendar of most Churches is Children’s Day. It is an opportunity that is given to the children to demonstrate to God, the abilities He has given them in worship. Today, a cross-section of our Sunday School children and their Teachers are leading us in worship. We are grateful to God for such ministry to children and we appreciate the efforts of the Teachers in preparing the children for such programme. I commend the children for their sense of purpose and love for the things of God. Proverbs 22:6 exhorts us with these words “Train children in the right way and when old, they will not stray”, (NRSV). It is my prayer that this preparation of the children will go a long way to prepare them both for the present and the future. Let us use this opportunity to affirm the efforts of the Sunday School Teachers and the children and to keep them in our prayers.


Pastoral Message

The Lent season, though over, does not mean that we should go to sleep. We are called to prayer “in season and out of season.” The Christian journey is not an easy one and constant contact with our Maker through prayer brings much victory to those of us who pray. Our Saviour and Lord, Jesus the Christ, demonstrated this by retreating often to a place to pray. Prayer is said to be the key of heaven and faith unlocks the door. As we pray therefore, let us believe that God answers prayer. He surely will. Let us continue to press on in our Christian faith and keep in touch with our Lord through prayer and the study of the scriptures.


Pastoral Message - 04/04/2021

MHB 213
Verse 1

THINE be the glory, risen, conquering Son,

Endless is the victory Thou o’er death hast won;

Angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away,

Kept the folded grave-clothes, where Thy body lay.


Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son,

Endless is the victory Thou o’er death hast won.

Verse 2

Lo! JESUS meets us, risen from the tomb;

Lovingly He greet us, scatters fear and gloom;

Let the Church with gladness, hymns of triumph sing,

For her LORD now liveth, death hath lost its sting.

Verse 3

No more we doubt Thee, glorious Prince of life;

Life is nought without Thee: aid us in our strife;

Make us more than conquerors, through Thy deathless love:

Bring us safe through Jordan to Thy home above


Pastoral Message

MHB 182

WHEN I survey the wondrous Cross

On which the Prince of Glory died,

My richest gain I count but loss,

And pour contempt on all my pride.


Forbid it, LORD, that I should boast,

Save in the death of CHRIST, my God

All the vain things that charm me most,

I sacrifice them to His blood.


See, from His head, His hands, His feet,

Sorrow and love flow mingled down:

Did e’er such love and sorrow meet,

Or thorns compose so rich a crown?


Were the whole realm of nature mine,

That were an offering far too small;

Love so amazing, so divine,

Demands my soul, my life, my all.


Pastoral Message

Palm Sunday is with us again and it still marks Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem to face His own death. The activities which climaxed in the crucifixion of Jesus show that, indeed, our Saviour and Lord did not fear death. He humbled himself to such an extent that a donkey was enough for Him to ride on to victory. As we enter the Passion Week, our minds should be reflecting on the agony of our Lord Jesus Christ who though being God, stoop so low to die in such a humiliating manner. He did this to open up a new covenant with His blood on our behalf. As we celebrate this Palm Sunday with palm fronds and branches from trees nearby, let us also humble our hearts for Jesus to enter in and demonstrate to us, the power of God over death. May we also be empowered by this remarkable act to be prepared at all times to face death, which Jesus, by His own death, conquered, and live in the hope of His resurrection. Hosanna-Save us now.


Pastoral Message

One of the most painful emotions that one could go through occurs when our love for somebody is not reciprocated. Love is an expensive attribute and that which was shown to us by our Lord Jesus Christ is described in Isaac Watts’s composition in the Methodist Hymn 182, the last sentence of stanza 4; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. Indeed the Saviour’s love which was showed to us on the Cross stares us in the face and beckons us to respond by giving our all to our Saviour and Master, Jesus the Christ. As we continue our journey through this period of Lent, fasting and praying, let us also give our lives and our “all” to Him as a demonstration of our appreciation for what He did on the Cross for us. That is the only way we can make our Lord happy and assure Him that His labour has not been in vain.


Pastoral Message

Easter is a few weeks away from today and the Lent season continues to provide us with the opportunity to reflect on the mission of our Lord Jesus the Christ. The season teaches us to learn from the afflictions that Jesus went through for our sake. His sufferings have made us children of God and heirs with Christ but that is for those who believe and accept the finished work of Christ and its benefits. I urge you therefore to use these days of Lent to reflect on your status in Christ. Do you know Him as your personal Saviour and Master? Are you sure of your salvation and are you confident that whether you live or die, you belong to Jesus? The decision is best known to you and it is my prayer that each one of us will choose life and live in eternity with Christ since He came for that purpose.


Pastoral Message

God’s sacred and mighty word, as elucidated in the Bible, is expected to be a lamp unto our feet and a light for our path. Unfortunately however, there are many Christians who have Bibles, and read them but do not see the connection between the various books therein. It becomes more embarrassing when we find it difficult to locate the different books of the Bible. It is for this reason that we want to go back and gain some knowledge of the books and what their contents are generally. It is my prayer that we will be reminded through these teachings to appreciate the uniqueness of the book called The Bible, and be able to use it as a daily guide. God has gracefully overlooked, the days of ignorance but now, He calls us to a committed Christian life, and the Bible is a basic guide for us to use.


Pastoral Message

One of the important activities of Lent is the opportunity we have to give to support God’s work and others. It is therefore appropriate that the Harvest Launch has fallen within this period. Our focus this year for giving towards the Annual Harvest and Thanksgiving is to complete the Youth Centre for use by members of the Church. This does not preclude other generational groups from the use of this facility. The stand of the Leadership of the Church is to have a permanent place of worship for the Junior Youth, and for the Youth to also have their meetings. We already have a Sunday School Block for the children and a Chapel for the Youth, Young Adults and Adults; we deem it necessary to provide a place for the Junior Youth as well. It is my prayer that the Lord will put an amount on your heart to give, not only today but also pledge to enable us present a well furnished building to our teenagers for their daily nurturing in the house of God. Be a giver and you will not regret. God will not forget your donation, for that is His promise.


Pastoral Message

Today marks the first Sunday in the Lent Season and since this period puts emphasis on prayer, fasting and giving, and as a time for reflecting on our lives, we have gathered to reflect and pray. We find ourselves in challenging times and the pressures of life often causes us to make utterances that is unworthy and do not glorify God. The tongue is a powerful part of the body. According to Apostle James, the tongue is a small member of our body, yet it can boast of great things (James 3:5. It is a fire, and can stain the whole body and set on fire the entire course of life. (v.6). Therefore we should on continuing basis, examine and evaluate ourselves to see what we have been doing with our tongue. May this season of Lent help us to tame our tongue as we submit it to the Lordship of our Saviour, Jesus the Christ. May the season bring freshness to our lives so that our all shall be surrendered to our Lord.