The TUC Prayer Warriors’ group was established to offer leadership in the overall prayer ministry of the church. The operations of the group were fully formalized in 2011; as such the group has a full executive structure where members are elected to various offices and is also well represented on the Church council. Hitherto the formalization of the gropu, few brethren had volunteered to regularly intercede on behalf of the Church. The men and women who engaged in this ministry included, brothers L. A. Odoteye, Komi Agbemabiese, P. N. K. Quartey, E. K. Asare, David Nyako and sisters Adelaide Acquaah, Charlotte Siabi-Mensah and Caroline Kwadade.
The aims and objectives of the Prayer Warriors’ group include: 1) to conitnually intercede on behalf of Trinity United Church, its members and its activities; 2) to read and study the Bible and grow into maurity in Christ (2 Tim. 2:15) 3) to learn effective methods of praying and fasting from the Bible and to promote such effective prayer within the members of Trinity United Church; 4) to pray without ceasing and to use/rely prayer and God’s grace to overcome pain, suffering, distress, want, etc (Luke 11:1; 1 Thess. 5:17-18); 5) to be a good example to the believers in conduct, and 6) to support the Evangelism Committee in its evangelism programmes especially in prayer.
The group meets regularly on Sundays (5:30 – 7:00 pm.) for various programmes including Prayer sessions; Bible Studies on chosen topics; quarterly retreats. We also participate in Revivals; Prayer Services and other prayer activities run for the whole church, and where required the group fasts and prays on issues facing the church or individuals.
The Prayer Warriors also focus on prayer warfare engagements including two major training activitie: 1) The Prayer and Healing School at Akropong, and 2) The SU Workshop, at Sekyedumasi.
The group continues welcomes new members interested in being intercessors for the Church, their families and the nation.